The Herald (South Africa)


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Najma Noorshib: Sincerest condolence­s to the family. I hope and pray that the perpetrato­rs are caught and get their due punishment. People please take care and be vigilant at all times. Never become serene. Karl Schultz: Pray for the family, SAPS and PE. We must never lose hope. Megan Amber Hurter: Let’s stand together as a community and show our support of Jayde’s families by wearing a yellow ribbon. We need to unite as a community to fight against such crimes that happen to members of our community !!! Yolisa Lolonga: As a human being, woman, mother and old Riebeek girl, I feel deep sadness. I am absolutely appalled by the state of this country. government must help to curb crime. Zukiswa Portia Nkosinkulu: So sad, a beautiful young life taken, the killers must be brought to justice. I hope the community speaks out, so many times people keep quiet. Lynne Victor Holdsworth: This must be the saddest news I have heard in years. May her dear soul rest in peace. Rene' Coombs: My condolence­s to her husband and family. I am so sad, and ashamed to be a South African right now. What is going on in this country is a disgrace, and the government doesn’t seem to care. May she RIP. Leigh-Anne Jacobs: Please everybody, black, white, coloured, Muslim, Indian, all races, all kids, men, women, watch your back and always check your surroundin­gs. Don’t ever wait alone anywhere. I have no more faith in our country as beautiful as it is, enough is enough now.

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