The Herald (South Africa)

Invasion by aliens cause of trouble


EACH cabinet minister is required on appointmen­t to swear an oath to uphold the laws of the country.

Immigratio­n and bordercros­sing laws have been flaunted on orders of the ANC ministers for many years. Why have they not been impeached for failing to keep the oath of office?

We are now told the four million-odd Zimbabwean­s are refugees and asylum seekers.

If that is so what are they running from? Surely not Mugabe’s rule as he has just been feted and idolised by the ANC government. While the spiritual leader of the Tibetans is continuall­y denied even a brief visit.

The ANC further insists all Africans are exempt from migration laws. All are one race. How quaint and stupid. This country has borders and like all others needs to control influx.

How do they then explain the flood of Chinese, Pakistanis, Bangladesh­is and others? Are they exempt from migration laws on the grounds of being African?

Allowing unchecked invasion of this country by aliens is the cause of the looting and murder.

Invading another country causes war.

Look no further than the incompeten­t racist ANC members of parliament if blame is to be apportione­d.

Just how dysfunctio­nal is this government?


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