The Herald (South Africa)

Connecting beyond the tangled web of life


IN DISCONNECT­ED, the band 5 Seconds of Summer sing “Life’s a tangled web of cellphone calls and hashtag I-don’t-knows. And you, you’re so caught up in all the blinking lights and dial tones”.

Many us are victims of this worldwide system; leading superficia­l lives with superficia­l connection­s. We know that there is power in networks, in deep friendship­s, in leveraging the strengths of others, in holding ourselves accountabl­e to others.

Yet, we are held back by nothing more than our own excuses.

Do any of these sound familiar? “No one in my company or friend group understand­s me. I’m an introvert and I’m terrified to go out and approach people. I don’t have any interestin­g stories or ideas to share with others. The people I want to connect with are too far out of my league” (Source: The Top 24 Reasons Keeping You from Having World-Class Connection­s, created by Scott Dinsmore for Forbes Magazine).

Dinsmore states that every reason we give for not making connection­s is “an assumption that needs to be tested and proven wrong”. It’s a challengin­g prospect but one that can yield amazing results in our lives.

There are some easy ways to connect with people, options accessible to even the most introverte­d among us: ý Listen intently We live in a world that is constantly “shouting”. Informatio­n bombards us all day and it is understand­able that we filter most of what goes on around us so we do not become overwhelme­d.

Practise focusing your attention on people when they speak, ignoring superfluou­s stimuli like background music, people walking past or the way the speaker taps his fingers and honing in on their words, expression­s and tone.

When you take time to really listen to someone, you validate them. This is a solid foundation to build connection­s on. ý Lead an interestin­g life The people I am most drawn to have life experience­s that are out-of-the-ordinary, that are different to mine.

Your life may be interestin­g because you come from a minority ethnic group, because you have travelled extensivel­y or because you are an avid nature enthusiast.

Work at engaging in different activities; these will influence your perspectiv­es and give you exposure to like-minded people. Leading an interestin­g life will be attractive to the right people. ý Tell stories with humour There is two Ted Talks that stand out because they contain the elements of humour and storytelli­ng: Melissa Marshall’s Talk Nerdy to Me and Shawn Achor’s The Happiness Advantage.

Take time to watch both to see examples of great storytelli­ng. Humans remember only 1-10% of what they hear and humorous storytelli­ng is a proven way to make your message more memorable. ý Give something long before you need to ask for anything

In social psychology, reciprocit­y is a social rule that says people should repay, in kind, what another person has provided for them. That is, people give back (reciprocat­e) the kind of treatment they have received from another.

Wayne Tinley, from Northbound Financial in Port Elizabeth, has the gift of connecting people at networking events.

He takes people who are standing on the sidelines, hiding behind their coffee or cellphones and draws them into conversati­ons. It is what he gives people long before he may need to ask them for anything.

Use your imaginatio­n here; what you give does not have to cost money. It could be a compliment, insight into your hometown shared with a newcomer or a piece of business advice.

Be brave, challenge yourself and the reasons you give yourself for not connecting with anyone.

There is much more to connecting with anyone. If you would like to have a more detailed conversati­on with us about this, contact info@theofficec­

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