The Herald (South Africa)

ATM fraud bosses get long jail sentences

- Aron Hyman

TWO Cape Town ATM fraud syndicate bosses have been sentenced to a record 50 years behind bars.

Michael Manyana, 51, and Millicent Mkhwanazi, 48, were sentenced in the Khayelitsh­a Magistrate’s Court to 53 years and 50 years respective­ly for their roles as the syndicate’s ringleader­s.

They preyed on pensioners, students, and tourists between 2005 and 2012.

National Prosecutin­g Authority spokesman Eric Ntabazalil­a said it was the first time an ATM fraud syndicate had been prosecuted for racketeeri­ng, with the magistrate deciding to sentence them separately on each count.

They were convicted for contraveni­ng the Prevention of Organised Crime Act.

While Mkhwanazi broke down in tears at the trial and pleaded for leniency, Manyana refused to admit he was in any of the CCTV footage that was critical in convicting the pair.

Despite his face being clearly visible in at least five videos, which include close-up images, he denied it was him.

Mkhwanazi’s advocate, Martin Williams, said: “We were anticipati­ng a harsh sentence but not that harsh. She will be 75 – if she lives that long – before she is eligible for parole.”

Williams said they would appeal the sentence.

He said it was unfortunat­e that Manyana and Mkhwanazi had been prosecuted under the Prevention of Organised Crime Act.

“It lays down extremely severe penalties of up to life imprisonme­nt. I believe that act was made for major organised crime rather than a case like this, which is on a much smaller scale,” Williams said.

However, he admitted no one knew how much money Manyana and Mkhwanazi had actually stolen.

“I think [the sentences are] going to send a very strong message to people involved in that kind of offence that the courts are not taking it lightly, that they are taking it extremely seriously.”

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