The Herald (South Africa)

Politician­s sideline metro coloureds


I AM not the least surprised by the recent developmen­t that the PA has entered into a coalition with the DA and will vote to save Athol Trollip.

The DA, like the apartheid government, has succeeded in the indoctrina­tion of the coloured mind to believe they are inferior to whites but superior to blacks and the next coloured. I call it the battle for number two. South Africa has had white presidents, it has had black presidents, but no coloured president. Why?

Leading up to the 2016 local government elections I worked in the northern areas on the ANC mayoral campaign under the leadership of Danny Jordaan, who is deeply rooted and respected in the northern areas.

Putting it bluntly, the people had no confidence in the leadership of the ANC in the area prior to Jordaan’s arrival.

He worked tirelessly to gain their confidence, and he and his team grafted a detailed action plan titled The Next Five Golden Years.

The pro-poor budget was hailed by most, except the DA, as reported in The Herald as “Danny pro-poor budget drains metro coffers” (January 19 2017), but the reverse of that budget has resulted in “Hunger stalks 300 000 in Bay” (March 23).

Unfortunat­ely, he was one man against many years of psychologi­cal manipulati­on and the response from the northern areas was not sufficient to see him complete his vision.

Many believed he was only appointed by the ANC to get the coloured vote (never mind the fact that he was more than competent and the best person for the job, especially for the northern areas).

Here was a qualified fellow coloured man from the northern areas who in a short period of time had put in the hours and hard work, and started cleaning up the metro.

Needless to say, they voted for the farmer from Bedford.

Marlon Daniels and Gayton McKenzie, like most of the so-called coloured people, are inherently more likely to side with the DA, not because of Jacob Zuma or corruption and especially not because of How to Steal a City.

This is a sad, but true reflection of their constituen­cy’s lack of courage to fully commit to the common cause, in this case land expropriat­ion without compensati­on.

The DA is against land expropriat­ion without compensati­on, which is why the EFF wants to remove mayor Athol Trollip.

Leave the highly published and perpetuate­d noise around whiteness, but and a big one, the PA constituen­cy, coloureds/Khoisan, constantly want to know where they fit in, and feel ignored and neglected by policies such as land expropriat­ion without compensati­on.

I partly blame their inaction and ignorance when it comes to government policies.

Now the problem is self-serving, narrow-interest leaders like Daniels and Trollip.

They are far too happy to perpetuate these divisive narratives and will always find common ground in keeping their constituen­cy, coloureds/Khoisan, ignorant of the bigger picture because their existence in politics depends on it.

Roland Jordaan, Ward 57, Port Elizabeth

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