The Herald (South Africa)

Mettler case the downfall of mayor Bobani


“Bobani v Mettler: Treasury steps in” (September 6): the shoe is now on the other foot of the so-called is or is not mayor of Nelson Mandela Bay.

Johann Mettler has been instructed by the Treasury to provide a full report of illegal meddling by Mongameli Bobani and his councillor­s, as stated earlier last week in The Herald, into administra­tive and supply chain management in the metro, which is going to have consequenc­es.

Bobani is big-mouthed about suspending Mettler, as stated in The Herald earlier last week, even boasting to have his suspension letter in hand.

However, when the Treasury stated his action to be unfair labour practice he hides behind his chief whip and is mum when questioned.

Bobani states Mettler was out of town on leave without permission and had appointed Keith Meyer to stand in for him.

Bobani claimed in the media to know nothing about Meyer standing in for Mettler until informed by the member of the mayoral committee.

On Thursday there is proof in the Herald of the special leave document signed by Bobani approving Mettler's leave. There is further a memorandum signed by Bobani regarding Mettler's leave and that Meyer would stand in for him in his absence.

Mettler is going to be Bobani's downfall if this victimisat­ion by Bobani, which comes from a while long, now continues.

The ANC is making a mockery of itself to allow a party with only two seats in the metro to stand for mayor of the coalition.

It is obvious that Bobani knows nothing about municipal protocol. Andre Swart Jeffreys Bay

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