The Herald (South Africa)

Your daily what’s on guide



Galerie Noko at 111 Russell Road in Richmond Hill is showing the exhibition Languages We Fail To Speak, with work by artists Mziwokolo Makalima, Nicholas P Hauser, Usen Obot, Asanda Kupa and Banele Njadayi until January 30.

Inquiries: 073-088-5883, 041582-2090, galerienok­


The GFI Art Gallery is exhibiting items from the Spier Creative Block collection until January 26. The gallery is at 30 Park Drive in Central and is open from 10am to 4pm on weekdays and from 10am to 1pm on Saturdays. Inquiries: 041-586-3973.


The Voetsac Hiking Club hosts regular weekend hikes and day walks, and is going on an easy 8km walk at Van Staden’s Flower Reserve on Saturday January 12. This hike is open to all and costs R5. Voetsac is taking a more challengin­g excursion to Tanglewood Pools in the Eland’s River Valley, also on Saturday January 12. This route of 12km is graded as a moderate hike and participan­ts are asked to pay R35.

Inquiries: Ferdi Prince for Van Staden’s, 083-261-2977, and Robin Holmes for Eland’s River, 041-365-0996, 082-374-9227.


Christ Church Lorraine/Kamma Park is holding its monthly car boot sale on Saturday January 12. The boot sale is from 8am to 11am and all buyers and sellers are welcome, with a cost to sellers of R20. The boot sale is at 44 Longwy Avenue in Lorraine.

Inquiries: Cathy 072-933-4450.

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