The Herald (South Africa)

Communists living it up in a capitalist world


In her opinion piece on Shepherd Bushiri, Malaika Wa Azania says: “Capitalism normalises this because its values are anchored in crass materialis­m”. Wow, spoken like a true communist.

Capitalism is always maligned by our socialist and communist promoters.

Let’s take a look at the Zondo Commission and see how many of our SACP members are alleged to have their fingers in the cookie jar in relation to Bosasa and the Guptas.

Communists living it up in the capitalist world.

We have the EFF with its Marxist communist policies. The leaders dress in their red overalls but live a rich, capitalist life while their followers live in dire poverty.

They are as bad as Bushiri, making false and unachievab­le promises to their followers to gain power.

We only have to look to Zimbabwe with its failed Marxist policies that have destroyed the country while their leaders live it up on stolen state resources.

Look to South America, Venezuela, where the hardline socialist policy has also destroyed that once prosperous country, again while the leaders and military enjoy ill-gotten gains from state resources.

I would also like to point out that Nigeria is home to some of the world’s wealthiest charismati­c pastors. These pastors prey on the vulnerable world-wide and all over Africa by offering false hope at a price. Let’s face facts Malaika.

Alan Wilson, Port Elizabeth

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