The Herald (South Africa)

Constructi­on activity plummets in first quarter


SA’s constructi­on industry slumped in the first three months of this year, with the Afrimat Constructi­on Index showing that activity in the industry is now below that of the same period in 2011.

The index, compiled by economist Roelof Botha and released yesterday, is a composite indicator of the level of activity in the building and constructi­on sectors.

The index fell 12% year on year, with employment the only sub indice to show an increase, of 0.3%.

The biggest decline was in the value of new building plans passed, which fell 25.9%.

The index has fallen below 100 basis points for the first time, and uses the first quarter of 2011 as a basis for comparison.

The results were terrible, and largely did not include the effects of the Covid-19 shutdown, Botha said.

Though the results of the index for the first quarter of this year were considerab­ly down, hope for recovery for the constructi­on sector lay in the government’s infrastruc­ture-led economic growth recovery plan post-Covid-19, Botha said.

“The results of the index prove just how important the recovery plan is and, given the current low levels, we should see an immediate effect if activity is increased,” he said.

Constituen­t indicators within the index include salaries and wages in the constructi­on sector, the value of buildings completed, sales of building materials, as well as passing of building plans.

The sector contribute­d just 3.3% to SA’s GDP, Afrimat said, but had critical links to other sectors and was crucial to the developmen­t of new infrastruc­ture. —

 ?? Picture:DARYN WOOD ?? OFF A CLIFF: The level of activity in the building and constructi­on sectors fell 12% year on year, according to the Afrimat Constructi­on Index
Picture:DARYN WOOD OFF A CLIFF: The level of activity in the building and constructi­on sectors fell 12% year on year, according to the Afrimat Constructi­on Index

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