The Herald (South Africa)

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WHY NOT NELSON MANDELA BAY? Here we go again, wasting millions on the Port Elizabeth name change. Why not stay with Nelson Mandela Bay? It is the appropriat­e name which we have become proud of. We now have a name that is named after Walmer township, Gqeberha, Has the ANC forgotten about Nelson Mandela, the person who was instrument­al in bringing peace in our country and putting an end to the border war? Has the ANC no shame? As far as l am concerned, PE will always be Nelson Mandela Bay.

IT Mills Gqeberha ... This name is very apt for what is left of the once glorious Port Elizabeth. PE has become an extension of the Walmer township (hence the name) under the corrupt and incompeten­t ANC. Hopefully the DA coalition will prioritise their spend on service delivery where it is required and not spend even R1 on new signage.

Reebs Couldn’t they have just left it as Nelson Mandela Bay, or is he no longer a hero to the ANC?

Jane Slim At last, goodbye PE and hello GQ! PE is the beautiful city I once knew. Transforme­d into the armpit or thereabout­s of anatomy that it now is.


I am slightly confused about this name change. In your headline article you write that our new name is Gqeberha derived from the Xhosa name of Walmer township. In the SABC news the other morning, it said it was derived from the Xhosa name of the Baakens river. Which one is correct?

L Ehinger

While I agree with most people that the proposed name changes for PE and other towns/airports is ill-advised, ill-timed and a complete waste of money, upon reflection I say, let them change the names. Most towns and cities in the Eastern Cape have transforme­d into dungholes on the ANC’s watch. Therefore, the case for transforma­tion is apt as well as relevant.


Am I missing something? On February 24, your article regarding name changes stated a petition with 26,000 signatures was counted as only one vote, and on the 25th you stated in the Editorial say under the heading “Too late to moan about name changes” that “Hundreds signed a petition which counted as a single vote”. The maths doesn’t add up, but it looks to me like a million signatures would have still counted as only one regardless of the number of objections. It doesn’t worry me that the names have been changed, just the fact that 26,000 = 1 vote.

Sceptical “Too late to moan about name changes”. The editor is being disingenuo­us. No matter how many objections were received, the name change was going to happen, come hell or high water.

Mad Molly I have frequently travelled overseas and often explained about load-shedding and other idiotic moves our government makes. Now they are all asking me about the PE name change, and some friends know I love beer and when my Flemish and Dutch friends try to pronounce the new name, it sounds like “Gee Bier Ha” ... and it’s a joke, but in reality I feel like we are the laughing stock of the world.


It is time for the people of Port Elizabeth to start burning tyres and jumping about in the streets. We objected to the name change but they slipped it through while we weren’t looking! Call the Transkei and border whatever you want, but Port Elizabeth will remain. Come on people of Port Elizabeth, stand up and be counted!


If you are a resident of Port Elizabeth and Uitenhage, you have no duty to pay rates and taxes to Gqeberha municipali­ty. The rates and taxes should be paid by Christian Martin and the 10 others who supported the name change. Time for the majority against this nonsensica­l name change to make their voices heard. No rates and taxes to Gqeberha.

#Port Elizabeth 4 ever The Egyptians built pyramids. The Chinese a wall. Romans built aqueducts. The ANC changes town names, fosters corruption and creates unemployme­nt. Viva.


PE will always stay PE. With our economy on its knees, I don’t know who could be so childish as to change the names to such unpronounc­eable words. Knowing that it is going to cost a fortune. I think it’s just another way of pocketing taxpayers’ money.

Errol Meyer

We already have a Gqeberha (Walmer location). Please change the name again, so that it is compatible with all who live in it. Woolhope was changed to Malabar to be compatible.

Not impressed There are people starving and homeless. Millions will be spent on the airport and PE city name changes. This is what happens when you have idiots running a government. Walter In what universe is wasting millions on name changes more important than fixing potholes and water leaks? In this village we now live in. Who can even pronounce it? Tourism is now officially dead. Birdwatche­r Ridiculous. I cannot even pronounce Gqeberha ... ha ha ha!

Denise Businesses are closing, there is huge unemployme­nt, thousands are homeless, people are starving, and what is happening to service delivery? Now minister Nathi Mthetetwa is changing the name of Port Elizabeth to Gqeberha. A name I cannot even pronounce. Port Elizabeth will always remain Port Elizabeth for me. What about all the businesses in PE who must now change all their business cards, signage, invoices, receipt books and so on Who is going to pay for that? Port Elizabeth resident As a former resident of Port Elizabeth for over 50 years, I feel a sense of relief that its name will be changed to Gqeberha. No longer will its historic name be associated with the depredatio­ns wreaked upon it by the current generation. The name of Port Elizabeth, the “Friendly City”, will still bring back wonderful memories.



Rather surprised by matric results. They and others are never at school. They are not to blame, but I think the results are boosted.



Those MKMVA members look like they were in nappies in 1994. Veterans from what war and army?

Bill Benjamin


I would like to know when the grass in the parks in Lorraine will be cut. I can’t see my dog when we go for a walk in our park in Montmedy Road. It was badly cut about four or five months ago.

Colette Killian


Criminals in Sidwell have no fear of the Algoa Park SAPS. They never respond to complaints, that is, when and if they answer their phone. People are living in fear because the SAPS are useless. Three murders here in two weeks. Regular gunshots but no protection from these socalled law enforcemen­t officers.



Lawrence Troon must just come out clear and announce his leaning towards the GOOD party of Patricia de Lille. Rather than to masquerade as if he is protecting the coloured community from the DA and ANC. He is playing the same political games as Marlon Daniels of the PA did in the buildup to the 2016 elections. Watch this space. Get out of the closet for your own GOOD. Pun intended.

Christian Martin Response to KFC Troon’s letter. Seriously, Mr Troon, have you found money to buy KFC again? Shame on you.

The Bull I read Lawrence Troon’d letter with interest tending towards empathy, for I too am one of a minority group in SA — I am white coloured. I find it sad that after almost 27 years of democracy we still have these divisions of citizens into categories determined by our skin colour or parentage. Demographi­cs are useful tools for scientists and academics but should never have been used to divide citizens into separate groups, barring some of us from even applying for local government employment. It seems to me that we are unable to break the chains of apartheid and go forward as one nation, just seeing one another as people, not as blacks or coloureds or Indians or whites. Let’s show the world how to scrap racial discrimina­tion.

Trevor Moore


Two positive things happening in our community. New robots down Lindsay Road and traffic roadblock in Harrower Road. Please don’t be influenced by rotten potatoes. Great job. Wes

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