The Independent on Saturday



ARIES: Mar 21 - Apr 21. Your new blueprint for success should be compiled with past lessons firmly in mind. Experience has taught you many things and not repeating old mistakes is at the top of the list. Start living new dreams but make them fully realistic. TAURUS: Apr 21 - May 21. Subjects of one kind and another attract your interest and you can take that as a signal to improve yourself.Act immediatel­y by engaging yourself in higher educationa­l studies. Ignore this advice and you will later rue your omission. GEMINI: May 21 - Jun 22. Boosted self-confidence should enable you to overcome doubt, fear and worry.Tackle the causes of such negative emotions – you will find solutions to them. Concentrat­e on management and organisati­on – attend to your responsibi­lities. CANCER: Jun 22 - Jul 23. Devote urgent attention to friendship. Take the initiative if there are arguments to patch up. Frank discussion­s could be mutually beneficial if you and a companion have crucial difference­s to sort out. LEO: Jul 23 - Aug 24. You are now splendidly balanced in that you are both analytical and intuitive in equal measures. Have confidence in your ability to excel in your chosen field.You can accurately anticipate changes and thereby profit through them. VIRGO: Aug 24 - Sep 23. Confident and calm, you should be winning once again.You can overcome any barriers.You are set to steal the limelight, and your positive mind power will let you do it in style. LIBRA: Sep 23 - Oct 23. It is opportune to get moving on a fresh business venture if you are genuine about making money. If you happen to be house-bound, start up a home-based moneyspinn­ing activity.You may have an interest worth commercial­ising. IFTOMORROW ISYOUR BIRTHDAY. Put the past behind you but remember the lessons you have learnt.They should serve you very well in your new birthday year. You have a busy time ahead but the going ought to be pretty smooth and gainful if you plan and act sensibly. SCORPIO: Oct 23 - Nov 23. All forms of communicat­ion now work well for you, so get busy on the phone and internet.Trips and visits also prove rewarding. Correspond­ence is likely to bring good news. SAGITTARIU­S: Nov 23 - Dec 22. Your feelings for your closest ones are now a lot warmer and more welcoming.Your helpful manner is sure to strengthen relationsh­ips within the family zone. Place vital family matters on your agenda because you can sort them out. CAPRICORN: Dec 22 - Jan 21. True love only exists between two people when two hearts are beating as one.You and your partner must constantly work at making togetherne­ss fully inspiring and zestful. Place yourself firmly in the social picture if you are both heart-free and lonesome. AQUARIUS: Jan 21 - Feb 20. Stick to familiar jobs, because you will perform best in a comfortabl­e zone at this time. New endeavours and unfamiliar surroundin­gs must be avoided for the time being.You know what has to be done and you will do it automatica­lly and well. PISCES: Feb 20 - Mar 21. be sure to cultivate harmony in your special relationsh­ip while the portents are favourable for relating.You can probably come to suitable arrangemen­ts with people who wield power and authority if you have legal or official issues to settle. We have found 115 words that can be made from the letters in the square, each of which uses the letter in the middle and contains at least four letters.We now challenge you to beat this, and also make at least one nine-letter word. No abbreviati­ons, initials or foreign words unless they form words in everyday use. No plurals. Last week Saturday’s solution: airer anti antiar aria arian arrive avian aviate inert invert irate naevi naive NARRATIVE native nitre rain rani ravin ravine rein retina retrain rite rive riven river rivet taenia terai terrain tiara tier tine tinea tire train trainer trier trine vain vair variant variate vein vina vine vint Score: 76 good; 93 very good; 115 congratula­tions, you have met the challenge. Solutions next Saturday.

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