The Independent on Saturday

Tread carefully with spare tyres

Larger waistlines linked to early death


THAT spare tyre you’re toting around could be increasing your risk of an early death, a new study suggests.

What’s more, the increased risk associated with having a larger waistline occurs even if a person’s body-mass index (BMI) indicates a healthy weight, said lead researcher Emmanuel Stamatakis, an associate professor with the University of Sydney in Australia.

People who carry extra weight around the middle – also called “central obesity” – but have a normal BMI have a 22% higher risk of death than people whose fat is stored elsewhere in their bodies, the study found. In people with a BMI that indicates obesity, the risk of early death was 13% higher for those with central obesity.

The study also found that a large gut poses an even greater hazard for heart health. The risk of heart-related death is 25% higher for someone with central obesity and a normal BMI. It’s 26% greater for those with an overweight BMI and extra abdominal girth, and 56% higher for an obese BMI and central obesity, the study found.

BMI is a rough estimate of a person’s body fat based on height and weight measuremen­ts. Normal BMI is 18.5 to 24.9, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Overweight is 25 to 29.9, and obese is 30 and over. Someone who’s 1.75m tall is considered normal when weight is between 57 and 76kg. Overweight is between 77 and 91kg. Obese is 92kg or higher.

Waist-to-hip ratio is a measuremen­t used to determine if there is excess belly fat. Stamatakis said waist-to-hip ratio is calculated by dividing your waist measuremen­t by your hip measuremen­t.

“If a person’s waist-to-hip ratio is over 0.85 if they are female, or over 0.90 if they are male, then they should be concerned and look into ways to alter their lifestyle to lose or reduce the ‘paunch’,” Stamatakis said.

Ruth Loos is director of the genetics of obesity and related metabolic traits programme at the Charles Bronfman Institute of Personaliz­ed Medicine at Mount Sinai in New York City.

She said these findings are consistent with previous studies indicating that belly fat may be more detrimenta­l to a person’s health than fat stored elsewhere in the body.

“Studies have been fairly consistent in showing that waist-to-hip ratio contribute­s to disease,” Loos said.

For this latest study, researcher­s looked at almost 43 000 participan­ts in the Health Survey for England and the Scottish Health Survey. Each person’s BMI and waistto-hip ratio was compared against their health history during 10 years of follow-up.

The study participan­ts’ average age was 58. And, just over half had central obesity. A total of 44% were overweight. One quarter were obese. Folks who were overweight and obese were much more likely to have central obesity than people with a normal BMI.

Researcher­s found that the risk posed by a big belly was the same for men and women, Stamatakis noted.

However, men are more likely to store fat around their middle, which could mean they are more likely to develop this risk, Loos said. Women tend to store fat in their hips and buttocks.

Excessive fat around the waist has been linked to insulin resistance, high cholestero­l and increased inflammati­on, Stamatakis said. These all are risk factors for heart disease.

A high waist-to-hip ratio also can indicate less muscle mass in the legs, which also increases heart disease risk, Stamatakis added.

“In fact, people who have high BMI often have larger amounts of fat stored in the hips and the legs, and this appears to be better for metabolic and cardiovasc­ular health for reasons we cannot fully understand,” he said.

Loos said belly fat might be more harmful than fat stored in the hips because it more directly affects the central organs.

“If you store fat around your belly and around your organs, it’s going to affect your liver function… and your heart function,” Loos said.

Both Stamatakis and Loos said people with belly fat should take steps to improve their health, by eating correctly, exercising and cutting out other risk factors like smoking or drinking.

Unfortunat­ely, weight loss efforts will not necessaril­y eliminate your spare tyre as weight loss tends to occur evenly across the entire body. – New York Times

 ??  ?? SURPLUS: Risk from a larger waistline occurs even if a person’s body-mass index indicates healthy weight.
SURPLUS: Risk from a larger waistline occurs even if a person’s body-mass index indicates healthy weight.

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