The Independent on Saturday

Need energy? Head for the stairs


IF YOU start falling asleep at your desk, don’t make a cup of coffee – take to the stairs instead.

Ten minutes of walking up and down is more likely to energise you than a jolt of caffeine, a study has found.

The exercise is more stimulatin­g than 50mg of caffeine, the equivalent of half a cup of coffee or a can of fizzy drink, the researcher­s say.

During the study participan­ts either swallowed capsules containing caffeine or a placebo, or spent 10 minutes walking up and down 30 floors at a low-intensity pace.

The research aimed to simulate a typical office in which workers spend hours sitting in front of computers and don’t have time for a long period of exercise in the day.

Professor Patrick O’Connor, from the department of kinesiolog­y at the University of Georgia in the US, said: “We found, in both the caffeine and the placebo conditions, that there was not much change in how they felt.

“But with exercise they did feel more energetic and vigorous. It was a temporary feeling, felt immediatel­y after the exercise, but with the 50mg of caffeine, we didn’t get as big an effect. Office workers can go outside and walk but weather can be less than ideal. A lot of people working in office buildings have access to stairs, so it’s an option to keep some fitness while taking a short break from work.”

The study participan­ts were female college students who described themselves as chronicall­y sleep deprived – getting less than six-and-a-half hours a night.

O’Connor wanted to compare an exercise that could be done by those who do not have enough time to change into workout clothes, take a shower then change back into work outfits. – Daily Mail

 ??  ?? PICK-YOU-UP: Try walking stairs if you feel tired and need a work break.
PICK-YOU-UP: Try walking stairs if you feel tired and need a work break.

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