The Independent on Saturday

10 reasons to fix your teeth

Healthy cosmetic background could boost memory and prevent strokes


1 STRAIGHT TEETH MEAN HEALTHIER GUMS The Inbetweene­rs actor James Buckley, 29, has revealed that he is spending £2 000 (R32 200) on dental braces because seeing “buff ” men on social media made him feel insecure.

James joked that when he looked in a mirror, he saw Austin Powers staring back at him. But he could be doing his overall health a favour: the benefits of fixing wonky teeth (medically known as malocclusi­ons), extend beyond the cosmetic.

A 2008 review of 98 studies concluded that orthodonti­c treatment reduced the risk of gum disease which could prevent a host of other illnesses

2 CUT HEART DISEASE RISK In 2016, researcher­s at North Carolina School of Dentistry found that patients with gum disease were twice as likely as others to die from a heart attack.

It is believed that oral bacteria trigger the release of inflammato­ry molecules called cytokines, which interfere with the ability of the heart vessels to relax and contract, impeding healthy blood flow.

3 PREVENT STROKES Adults with gum disease may be twice as likely as people with healthy gums to suffer a stroke, according to American research published this year.

4 PERK UP YOUR SEX LIFE Men are three times more likely to develop erectile dysfunctio­n if they are suffering from periodonta­l disease. This is believed to be a knock-on effect of overall circulator­y problems that are the result of the infection.

5 BOOST YOUR MEMORY Patients with gingivitis (swollen, bleeding gums) performed worse on tests of memory and other cognitive skills than did those with healthier gums and mouths, according to a report in the Journal Of Neurology, Neurosurge­ry & Psychiatry.

6 SLOW DOWN ALZHEIMER’S In a study published last year, British scientists tracked Alzheimer’s patients over a period of six months and found that the group with gum disease suffered cognitive decline at six times the rate of the group without gum disease.

It is thought that the body’s response to gum inflammati­on may hasten the brain’s decline.

7 IT MIGHT PROTECT YOUR JOINTS American researcher­s examined gum fluid of people with periodonti­tis and found it contained high levels of citrullina­ted proteins, a type known to trigger an immune response in those with rheumatoid arthritis.

Volunteers with healthy mouths had minimal citrullina­ted proteins in their gum fluid, the researcher­s found.

8 MAKES DIABETES MORE MANAGEABLE It has been found that gum disease may make it harder to keep diabetes under control, as infection and inflammati­on in the oral cavity can have an effect on blood sugar.

9 PROTECT YOUR LUNGS Dentists in the UK published a study in 2014 outlining the importance of maintainin­g good dental health in people with chronic lung disease.

The authors said that, as bacteria around the gums can travel to the lung and cause infections, dental hygiene should be a priority among sufferers. 10 IF YOU’RE PREGNANT… Hormonal changes during pregnancy can cause women to experience oral health problems, but a link has also been found between oral health, premature birth and low birth weight. One recent study suggested that pregnant women at high risk of premature birth who go to a dental hygienist may cut their risk by a third. – Mail On Sunday

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 ??  ?? COSMETIC: Actor James Buckley, 29, is spending R32 200 on dental braces because seeing buff men on social media made him feel insecure. He joked that when he looked in a mirror, he saw Austin Powers, right, staring back at him.
COSMETIC: Actor James Buckley, 29, is spending R32 200 on dental braces because seeing buff men on social media made him feel insecure. He joked that when he looked in a mirror, he saw Austin Powers, right, staring back at him.

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