The Independent on Saturday

Embarrassi­ngly ignorant

From: NARENDH GANESH Durban North


LAST week’s letter by ME Hurter, “An unhealthy obsession” refers.

It is said that ignorance is bliss. It can also be rather embarrassi­ng if one pontificat­es sarcasm without knowledge.

Hurter questions from where I get my knowledge of the DA. I was a branch chairperso­n of the DA for 10 years in my ward. I was elected for two consecutiv­e terms on to the DA Federal Council. Short of the Federal Executive, that is the highest decision making body of the party. My knowledge therefore is fairly profound and considered.

I have no obsession with the DA. However, I will not relent on my right to comment.

Unlike many “yes men” in the DA, I never relented in airing my views or taking on questionab­le decisions of the DA hierarchy.

If I challenge what I deem contentiou­s issues, it does not mean I’m obsessed, does it? It allows me to exercise a democratic right denied to me for so long.

On the point of focusing on service delivery, how many DA councillor­s do what Hurter suggests, such as “serving sandwiches, or soup, to the long queues of patients at government hospitals or the elderly pensioners at pension pay-points?”

My helping those in need does not necessitat­e a boastful advert. I am content to serve the best I can, while I can and if you take umbrage at me questionin­g things regarding the DA, then so be it.

Democracy is a wonderful thing,

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