The Independent on Saturday

DO IT the on cheap


JUMP ROPE: This old school yard toy is a simple and efficient way to burn some calories. In just 10 minutes, a 75kg person can burn roughly 90 calories jumping slowly and almost 140 jumping at a faster pace. Subtract about 20 calories from each if you’re closer to 60kg and add about 30 to 40 calories if you’re closer to 100kg.

WALKING: It’s free, easy, requires no equipment (aside from shoes) and you can do it anywhere. Walk around your neighbourh­ood, a local school track, or inside your local mall (just no stopping for shopping). Walk quickly enough to be a bit out of breath but not so fast you can’t speak. As it gets easier, simply increase your pace and/or add some ankle or wrist weights.

PEDOMETER OR APP: Sometimes just being aware of how much (or how little) you’re moving can be a big motivator to get you to move more. A simple pedometer clipped to your belt or pants can track how many steps you take over the course of the day. Set a simple goal such as 5 000 steps per day and see how close you get to it over a day. If you meet your goal, set a higher goal the next day. If not, think of ways you can boost your step count. Those little things we hear all the time really can make a difference.

Activities like parking further from the door, using the stairs more, or walking across the office to talk to your co-worker instead of calling or emailing are simple ways you can get more movement into your day.

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