The Independent on Saturday

Speaker’s corner

- James clarke

IT WAS bound to happen. The government is more and more talking of trillions of rands. Thirty years ago it spoke only of spending millions. Nowadays, of course, a million is nothing. Government officials and politician­s at all levels are routinely stealing or misappropr­iating millions – even hundreds of millions.

It doesn’t seem that many years ago that the South Africa government began talking in billions. The Gautrain cost R34 billion last time I heard.

eThekwini Municipali­ty needed almost R40bn for the last financial year.

But now, as I say, we have slipped into talking of projects costing trillions.

Last year the government shelled out R3 trillion on municipali­ties which, from the largest to the smallest, had not been doing terribly well with mere billions.

A reader, Ahmed Sibda, sent me some thoughts on politician­s and their latter-day sense of monetary values.

He says the next time you hear a politician using the word “billion” in a casual manner “think about whether you want that politician spending your tax money”.

A billion is a difficult number for the average person to comprehend, let alone many of those who are in government. President Zuma just giggles when he tries to grasp even much smaller figures.

I recall a few years ago a school teacher trying to help her class comprehend a million. She asked them to bring bottle caps to school. She screened off a corner and the children each day tossed the bottle caps into the enclosure keeping a meticulous count as they did so.

As I recall they failed to accumulate a million, but as the pile began to slide forward under its own weight the lesson was learned. But a billion? An American advertisin­g agency put a billion into some perspectiv­e. a. A billion seconds ago it was 1959. b. A billion minutes ago Jesus was alive. c. A billion hours ago our ancestors were living in the Stone Age. d. A billion days ago no humans existed. But, even in 2009, a billion dollars was being spent by the US government every eight hours and 20 minutes.

The current Texas floods reminded me that after the New Orleans flood disaster a Louisiana Democrat asked Congress for $250 billion to repair the city. It was pointed out to him that it would have meant each of New Orleans’ residents – every man, woman and child – would get $516 528 – our equivalent of almost R4 million each.

Daily we read of two-bit South African politician­s and officials stealing (or misappropr­iating) millions of rands – I wonder who’ll be the first to filch a billion?.

To visualise a billion, imagine stacking up R200 notes until they were the height of your seat (50cm). That’s R1 million.

Now a billion in South Africa is 1 000-million. So that would stack up half a kilometre high. And a trillion? In the US a trillion is 1 followed by 12 zeros (1 000 000 000 000). In Britain it is 1 followed by 18 zeros (1 000 000 000 000 000 000). Isn’t that a billion million? South Africa uses the US version – a million million. Whatever – we are now beginning to talk real money.

I wonder how many in our government can comprehend how much that is?

If you were to stack a trillion rands in R200 notes it would reach 500km high – way above the height at which most satellites cruise.

Look, I might be a bit out, but what’s a few million anyway?

Letter to Speaker’s Corner

Esteemed Sir, I have a thought for your readers: when I’m having a bad day and it seems people are trying to wind me up I tell myself it takes 42 muscles to frown, 28 to smile and only four to extend my arm and smack ’em in the mouth!


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