The Independent on Saturday

Genes pose a cancer risk


LONDON: British scientists have discovered a “treasure trove” of 110 genes which raise the risk of breast cancer.

The study, the most comprehens­ive investigat­ion ever conducted into the genetics of breast cancer, used pioneering techniques to create maps of a woman’s DNA.

Previously researcher­s knew of only a few genetic mutations which raise breast cancer risk. The most famous – the BRCA mutation, carried by Angelina Jolie – was discovered in London and Cambridge more than 20 years ago, paving the way to tailor drugs to genetics.

The researcher­s work was published in the Nature Communicat­ions journal.

Study leader Dr Olivia Fletcher said: “Our study took high-level maps of breast cancer risk regions and used them to pull out specific genes seemingly associated with the disease.”

Professor Paul Workman, of the Institute of Cancer Research, added: “This study brings these regions of DNA into focus, uncovering a treasure trove of genes that can now be investigat­ed in more detail.” – Daily Mail

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