The Mercury

21 ideas to add to mayor’s list


HOW to build a better Durban. Suggestion­s for the new mayor, Zandile Gumede, in response to her 43 promises.

Affordable inner city accommodat­ion.

City high-rise buildings to relocate informal housing seen around Durban.

Free 500 megabytes wi-fi project to cover the entire eThekwini region.

Align prepaid electricit­y tariffs in line with DA-controlled municipali­ties: eThekwini has the highest tariffs in the country.

More sewer and waste water plants closer to informal areas.

Increase residentia­l water from free 9 kilolitres to 13 kilolitres.

City must employ four teams for road repairs who must deliver on proper repairs and not just filling of potholes. No outsourcin­g.

Zero tolerance on misconduct by city officials and employees.

Metro police call centres to be more easily accessible and phone numbers to be put up on signboards on major roads.

Roads need to be named and updated to ensure citizens have a registered address to meet IEC rules to vote.

Road upgrades from single carriagewa­ys to double in high traffic areas.

Traffic lights to be installed in high accident areas.

Council-owned land to be made available for medium-to-low income housing.

Taxi ranks – too much to comment. Needs a complete rethink.

Health inspectors need to get working and start issuing fines. Clinics to improve conditions. Encourage recycling efforts by providing bags for glass and plastic only.

Compel foreign-owned shops to employ two local people when trading licence is issued, for each shop.

Health and hygiene safety standards must be monitored and fines issued where necessary.

Promote inter-racial interactio­ns in everything we do. Employ competent people as per the demographi­cs of the areas.

Promote inter-racial gatherings and festivals.

Family entertainm­ent – a permanent funfair at Suncoast would go down well. ASHLEY M Durban

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