The Mercury

ANC’s Lungisa resigns

Today the constant jostling for positions and personal gain has reduced the honour of being a member of the ANC to it being almost a means to an end

- Luyolo Mkentane

ANC secretary-general Gwede Mantashe had the proverbial last laugh when party councillor Andile Lungisa stepped down as regional chairman of Nelson Mandela Bay.

Now he wants to be elected the new provincial secretary when the Eastern Cape goes to its elective conference later this year.

Mantashe and Lungisa had been at each other’s throats over an ANC rule prohibitin­g those serving in higher structures from running for positions in lower organs of the party.

Yesterday, Mantashe said the NEC meeting held at the weekend in Irene, Tshwane, cautioned NEC members against being part of and fuelling divisions in provinces and regions.

“This includes failure to correctly interpret and clarify ANC policies and decisions. In this regard, the NEC reaffirmed its position that nobody elected to a structure of the ANC may contest for positions in a structure lower… This is a principled decision of the NEC which was reaffirmed by the NEC meeting,” he said.

ANC Eastern Cape secretary Oscar Mabuyane said they welcomed Lungisa’s resignatio­n and stressed that the matter was not personal.

“We regret all that has happened, it was unwarrante­d and negative in the public domain. But there’s nothing personal here. It was a question of what is right, what is wrong, so the matter has been affirmed by the NEC from a principle point of view,” he said, adding the provincial working committee would guide the way forward.

When contacted for comment, Lungisa referred The Mercury to a statement by regional secretary Themba Xathula in which he stated that deputy regional chairperso­n Phumzile Tshuni would act in Lungisa’s position until a new chairperso­n was elected.

TO BE a member of the ANC has always been more than about attending rallies and dinners and carrying your membership card in your back pocket.

It’s always been about being part of something much bigger, a history of sacrifice and glory, a place where you could put down your roots and test your commitment­s – commitment­s to communitie­s, to liber– ation, to nation-building, and ultimately to making your contributi­on to a country’s leap forward.

It’s always been easier to keep this purity when you work as a volunteer, a test to yourself mostly, that you believe.

It is this belief that brings you out at early hours of the morning – the belief in the national democratic revolution and the democratic society it seeks to realise; the small and daily steps towards that society, taken by all comrades and fellow believers, steps that create a ripple that becomes a revolution.

Today, however, the constant jostling for positions and personal gain has reduced this honour of just being a member of the ANC to it being almost a means to an end.

Rule 4 of the ANC constituti­on, which deals with membership and what is to be expected of a member, concludes Rule 4.17 by saying: “On being accepted in the ANC, a new member shall, in a language he or she knows well, make the following solemn declaratio­n to the body or person designated to administer such oaths:

“I, (…), solemnly declare that I will abide by the aims and objectives of the African National Congress as set out in the constituti­on, the Freedom Charter and other duly adopted policy positions, that I am joining the organisati­on voluntaril­y and without motives of material advantage or personal gain, that I agree to respect the constituti­on and the structures and to work as a loyal member of the organisati­on, that I will place my energies and skills at the disposal of the organisati­on and carry out tasks given to me, that I will work towards making the ANC an even more effective instrument of liberation in the hands of the people, and that I will defend the unity and integrity of the organisati­on and its principles, and combat any tendency towards disruption and factionali­sm.”

It is this solemn declaratio­n that made President Thabo Mbeki, as an ANC member who has taken an oath to respect ANC structures, understand­ably upset when there was an insinuatio­n that he might have leaked a letter he had sent to the secretary-general’s office, given the effort he had put in to ensure that the letter was hand-delivered to the office of the secretary-general.

Mbeki’s sentiments would have naturally been based on his understand­ing of what the office of the secretary-general represents, the very “custodian of the life” of the organisati­on.

His sentiments would have also been based on acknowledg­ement of the responsibi­lity that is on every member of the organisati­on to protect its structures and offices at all times, whatever the cost, whatever the sacrifice.

Many people, of course, out of indulging particular vanities, have always assumed that because Gwede Mantashe was the one who personally delivered the news of Mbeki’s recall, Mbeki would have a particular view about Mantashe.

Of course Mbeki, as a seasoned comrade, would have known that the ‘secretary-general’ is constituti­onally mandated to communicat­e the decisions of the NEC and NWC conference­s, and it would be a high level of immaturity to reduce a secretary-general communique to the person holding the office.

Rule 16.6 of the ANC constituti­on states the position and duties of the secretary-general clearly.

The secretary-general must:

Communicat­e the decisions of all national structures of the ANC on behalf of the NEC.

Keep records of the national conference, the national general council, the NEC, the NWC, as well as other records of the ANC.

Conduct the correspond­ence of the NEC and the NWC and send out notices of all conference­s and meetings at the national level.

Convey the decisions and instructio­ns of the national conference, the national general council, the NEC and the NWC to the provincial executive committees and see to it that all units of the ANC carry out their duties properly.

Prepare annual reports on the work of the NEC and the NWC and such other documents which may, from time to time, be required by the NEC and the NWC.

Present to the national conference and national general council a comprehens­ive statement of the state of the organisati­on and the administra­tive situation of the ANC.

Rule 16.8 closes it by saying: “All department­s shall report on their activities and be accountabl­e to the secretary- general.’’

Why, then, would a member of the ANC, who joins an organisati­on voluntaril­y, who agrees to respect both the organisati­on’s constituti­on and its structures as a matter of oath, decide that they can hold on to this voluntary membership while not respecting the structures of the organisati­on?

Why would anyone, knowing the responsibi­lities of the secretaryg­eneral, the powers bestowed upon him/her by the constituti­on, choose to defy an ANC communicat­ion (as delivered by the secretary-general), and attack the person holding the office?

The one reason for these unwanted contradict­ions in an organisati­on, at least according to the document analysis produced by the ANC Political Education subcommitt­ee in 2015, is “factionali­sm’’. If lower organisati­onal structures and members of the party suspect that a decision by the higher structure was generated through a faction, they become reluctant to abide by it.

When members and lower structures suspect that the best interest of the organisati­on is relegated to the backyard, and factional interest finds pre-eminence, they lose confidence in higher structures, and this manifests itself in subtle, sometimes open, revolts against the decisions of higher structures.

Democratic centralism, which is a guiding principle of the ANC, requires that all members and lower organisati­onal structures must have confidence in the capacity of higher organisati­onal structures to take grounded and politicall­y sound decisions that are in the best interest of the organisati­on.

The reluctance to abide by the decisions of the ANC, as communicat­ed by the secretary-general, can only effectivel­y mean these comrades view the secretary-general and the decisions he communicat­es through factional lenses.

The onus, of course, is on these comrades to prove this, otherwise a lack of a culture of discipline by members and structures of the organisati­on will dilute its revolution­ary character, and also seriously degrade the capacity of the ANC to engage in the battle of ideas.

It would be a road to ruin for the ANC to continue to allow factionali­sm to thrive, because factionali­sm generates an agitation that detests both organisati­onal processes and the constituti­on, as these are perceived as impediment­s to the factional agenda being realised.

Regrettabl­y, though, in most instances factional politics reflect a leadership crisis and a weak organisati­on. If you look at India, there is a general view that their late industrial­isation was due to a weak state, weak political leadership and a fragmented Congress Party that was caught up in a web of factional battles.

This means that if the ANC continues to reflect these factional traits, this will not only destroy the organisati­on, but will derail the economic growth so needed in the country to sustain our way of life. The vision and purpose of the ANC stretches beyond immediate ANC members and its constituen­cy; we dare not be so possessed in our perceived personal grievances to forget that.

The other dangerous aspect of defying party line as communicat­ed by the secretary general, if the experience of other countries is to be believed, is that the chances of not getting re-elected are high.

Once the effects of your defiance kick in, which usually results in poor performanc­e both in elections and in office, the voters abandon you and blame you harshly for the poor performanc­e.

So defying party line is a shortlived indulgence which may give one some modicum of independen­ce but it’s always the end of the road.

As Fidel Castro puts it in 1979, factions are a “debasement and a blemish to a revolution­ary movement” and no self-respecting organisati­on or cadre can co-exist with factions’’.

We must unite now or perish.

Diko is the spokespers­on of the ANC in the Western Cape.

 ?? PICTURE: EPA ?? A general view of the National Assembly during a motion of no confidence debate in President Jacob Zuma in Parliament.
PICTURE: EPA A general view of the National Assembly during a motion of no confidence debate in President Jacob Zuma in Parliament.

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