The Mercury



HE STARTED his career as a model before being cast in kykNET’s danZ!, but now Julian Hurley is following his real passion, music. The young star has just released his debut EP, Wait No More.

“It’s inspired by finally getting the chance to follow your dream. The song is about not waiting around for your dreams to come true, but to chase them every day. It’s about taking risks,” said Hurley.

The 25-year-old started working on the EP in June after he signed to Nash Records.

“I got signed to Nash Records in 2018 and they started training me because at the time, although I knew music, all I had was a guitar and my voice so we wanted to make sure I went with a sound that was right for me,” he said.

Hurley said his love for music started when he was 13. “For my birthday I begged for a guitar. I had this urge to want to learn and play. It was all I could think about at the time. I invested all my time and energy into it,” he said.

Hurley described his songs as music anyone can relate to.

“The EP is electronic pop and has something for everyone, it definitely is a feel-good EP. One of my favourite songs on it is My Mind, which I think a lot of people can relate to. It’s about over-thinking things, more especially when you are in a relationsh­ip,” he said.

Hurley let go of his aspiration­s to study after matriculat­ing to pursue his career in the entertainm­ent industry.

“In the beginning it was very difficult for my parents to accept. However, this didn’t change my mind one bit. I wanted to take the biggest risk of all in order to say that at least I tried chasing after my dreams. Giving up everything was definitely the biggest obstacle I’ve had to face up to now. I had so much to lose and you can bet I lost it. Nothing in life comes easy, but by staying focused and by believing in yourself, you can overcome anything,” he said.

The young star also starred in the youth drama, danZ! on kykNET.

“I couldn’t believe it when I landed a lead role on danZ!; it was just so unexpected. I auditioned like everyone else, but the director really saw something in me. He went the extra mile… even getting me my own acting and dialogue coach,” he said.

“Acting for the first time was amazing. I loved getting the chance to be someone else, especially since my character was completely different to who I am. He was a bully and incredibly cold-hearted due to issues with his own father.”

Although he enjoyed acting, he said music was his focus now.

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Julian Hurley

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