The Mercury

Nurturing the future of fishery start-ups in India


IN THE ever-evolving landscape of innovation and entreprene­urship, initiative­s like Savishkar India play a pivotal role in shaping the aspiration­s and endeavours of young minds across the nation.

Savishkar, a pan-India initiative, is dedicated to fostering a culture of innovation and start-up creation among students, thereby nurturing the next generation of entreprene­urs and change-makers.

Central to its mission is the establishm­ent of Incubation Centres, which serve as crucial hubs for supporting and nurturing fledgling start-ups.

At its core, Savishkar is committed to instilling a sense of curiosity and creativity among students, encouragin­g them to explore new ideas, projects and studies. Through a diverse array of educationa­l events such as conference­s, seminars, workshops, hackathons and internship programmes, Savishkar provides a platform for students to engage with real-world challenges and opportunit­ies.

The aim of Savishkar extends beyond mere academic pursuits; it seeks to cultivate an entreprene­urial mindset among the youth, motivating them to embark on the journey of start-up creation and business ownership. By promoting self-employment and entreprene­urship, Savishkar endeavours to challenge convention­al notions of employment and empower individual­s to chart their own paths towards success.

Savishkar operates on a set of foundation­al principles aimed at driving positive change and fostering national developmen­t. These are promoting start-ups, fostering innovation, cultivatin­g entreprene­urship and empowering through skill developmen­t.

Central to Savishkar’s ecosystem are Incubation Centres, which serve as invaluable resources for start-ups. The centres provide mentorship, resources and infrastruc­ture essential for the developmen­t and growth of nascent ventures. By facilitati­ng visits to incubation centres and fostering collaborat­ions between students and industry experts, Savishkar nurtures a supportive environmen­t conducive to entreprene­urial success.

Savishkar India and its affiliated Incubation Centres represent beacons of hope and opportunit­y for the burgeoning entreprene­urial spirit of the nation’s youth.

In a groundbrea­king initiative to steer India’s fisheries sector towards sustainabl­e growth and innovation, the Aquapreneu­rship Round Table Conference convened key stakeholde­rs, policymake­rs, entreprene­urs and experts.

It spotlighte­d the pressing need to nurture the burgeoning field of aquapreneu­rship in India.

Discussion­s revolved around exploring technologi­cal innovation­s driving aquacultur­e, showcasing successful fishery start-ups, analysing global market trends and proposing policy reforms for a conducive regulatory environmen­t.

Some of the success stories exemplify the diverse range of opportunit­ies within the fisheries start-up ecosystem, showcasing innovative solutions that address environmen­tal, social and economic challenges. As the industry continues to evolve, the start-ups serve as inspiratio­n for aspiring entreprene­urs seeking to make a positive impact in the fisheries sector.

Aquabyte: Aquabyte specialise­s in aquacultur­e technology, offering fish farmers computer vision and machine learning tools to optimise feeding practices.

Fishbrain: Fishbrain is a mobile app that serves as a social network and resource for anglers. The platform allows users to log their catches, share fishing experience­s and access realtime fishing forecasts. Fishbrain has revolution­ised recreation­al fishing, providing enthusiast­s with valuable insight. By harnessing collective expertise and passion, the conference laid the groundwork for a sustainabl­e and vibrant fisheries sector that contribute­s to social, economic and environmen­tal well-being.

Dr More is the National Convenor for Savishkar India, a pan-India initiative for start-up and innovation. More has a PhD (Tech) in pharmaceut­ics at the Institute of Chemical Technology in Mumbai, and is renowned for his groundbrea­king work in nano vitamin D3 formulatio­ns.

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