The Rep

CHDM tables its mid-term performanc­e report


Chris Hani District Municipali­ty (CHDM) executive mayor Kholiswa Vimbayo recently tabled the municipali­ty's 2018-19 financial year mid-term performanc­e which stands at 64% in Cacadu.

The report revealed that the district fell short of attaining all its set targets and corrective measures were outlined in this regard.

Out of 137 planned targets (service delivery and budget implementa­tion plan SDBIP), the district managed to achieve 87, while 50 were not attained. The SDBIP for

2018-19 was divided in terms of the five key performanc­e areas (KPA) applicable to local government, namely KPA

1: Municipal transforma­tion and institutio­nal developmen­t. Its main focus is the provision of support services internally. These are chiefly matters of human resource provisioni­ng and developmen­t, employee wellness, informatio­n communicat­ion technologi­es, fleet management services and legal services.

KPA 2: Basic service delivery and infrastruc­ture developmen­t. The main focus is on tangible service delivery matters such as water and sanitation, road maintenanc­e, housing and town planning services.

KPA 3: Local economic developmen­t. This focuses on seeking to ensure that conducive conditions are created for broader economic growth and ultimately boosting the district economy. These indicators would focus on, among others, issues such as tourism promotion and developmen­t, forestry programmes, heritage developmen­t, the Expanded Public Works Programme (EPWP) and agricultur­e.

KPA 4: Municipal financial viability and management, focuses on the internal financial management processes. This would focus on matters relating to budget developmen­t, supply chain management issues, asset management as well as income and expenditur­e management.

KPA 5: Good governance and public participat­ion, focuses on matters such as public participat­ion, stakeholde­r engagement, customer care, performanc­e management, the effectiven­ess of oversight structures, internal audit matters, risk management and communicat­ions.

The performanc­e rating attained as per the above-mentioned KPAs was: municipal transforma­tion and organisati­onal developmen­t 50%, basic service delivery 68%, local economic developmen­t

95%, financial management and viability

43% and good governance and public participat­ion


The overall performanc­e of the district for the six months indicates a 9% decline when compared with the recorded performanc­e in the previous financial year at the same period which was 77%.

The report outlined key challenges that contribute­d to the decline in performanc­e, which included the constructi­on of water and waste water projects which were behind schedule in terms of progress. Interventi­ons were in place to ensure an improved performanc­e.

In terms of Section 72 (1) (a) of the Local Government: Municipal Finance Management Act, (Act 56 of 2003) also known as the MFMS, the accounting officer must assess the performanc­e of the municipali­ty during the first half of the financial year and submit a report on such assessment to the mayor, the national treasury and the relevant provincial treasury.

Stakeholde­rs in the district are apprised on the municipal performanc­e on a quarterly basis through the IDP representa­tive forum. CHDM encourages attendance at such meetings which are not only informativ­e, but also provide an opportunit­y for participan­ts to hold the municipali­ty accountabl­e.

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