The Rep



From birthdays to anniversar­ies to achievemen­ts to notices ... Share your informatio­n with us on sonjar@tisoblacks­ or fax (045) 839-4059

birthday wishes are extended to Antoinette Godley, Rensie Cloete and Ellen du Plessis (today), Rachelle Barnard and Andrew Baillie (February 16), Celeste Smith (February 17), Dylan Petzer, Greg Pohlmann and Lungi Dube (February 18), Joan Hollis (a special one) and Maureen van Vuuren (February 19), Elise Naude and Leslie Pretorius (February 21), Abré Wagener and Thea van Eeden (February 22), Lesley Millar (February 23), Cheryl Petzer (February 24), Adrienne Godley, Peter Staffen and Nadia Wilson (February 25), Antoinette le Grange and Annemarie Aggenbach (February 28).

birthday wishes to Riaan Beuks (January 10), Stergeon Smouse (February 2), Estelle Hughes (February 4), Gail Ridgard, Christie Miles and Attie Boucher (February 8), Sakkie van Heerden (February 10), Aphiwe Stemela and Isabel van Zyl (February 13).

back to Lizette Potgieter who had to undergo surgery in East London after she and Velle were involved in a motor accident there. We wish her a speedy recovery from her injuries.

celebratio­ns of wedding anniversar­ies include Paul and Kate Coetzee, Aiden and Shiane Edwards, Marius and Jacqueline Grobbelaar and Milly and Irene Whale.

to the family and friends of the late Elaine Ngxamngxa, Esther Gatyeni, Xolani Ngqono, Francis Koopman, Sonamzi Lulama, Eric Mxaka and Jenny Kaye.

welcome rains have put a smile on many faces and a spring in many a step, although the drought has a very long way to go before being broken. More than 50mm of rainfall has been measured in Komani so far for February.

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