The Star Early Edition

Don’t ruin your life with drugs

- Miyelani Hlungwani

WHAT went wrong with our youth? Who convinced you that drug abuse is the only solution that can assist you to run away from troubles and problems? Let me tell you, drugs like Nyaope do not help anyone, but lead you into more trouble and a miserable lifestyle or death within a short time.

There are a lot of young men and girls who are without a future because of Nyaope and we don’t learn from them to seek a better way of living. .

Never fool yourself that when you are under the influence of substances you feel better and you don’t have stress. Never take Nyaope in a bid to relieve stress because stress will prevail until you come up with better and useful strategies to tackle it. Consult elders and they will surely help you.

Building better communitie­s starts with us. Let’s stop disappoint­ing upcoming generation­s who are looking for role models. How will you feel if a 10 year-old child sees you disorganis­ed due to Nyaope?

The government is trying to promote drug abuse awareness but it falls on deaf ears.

Why do we allow Nyaope to spread in our communitie­s? In Mukhomi Village, at almost every street corner, there are groups of young Nyaope smokers. Let’s stop ignoring those who love us and know better.

My worry is that once you become an addict of drugs, if you are a girl, you will start to sleep with men to get money to buy drugs. Boys get involved in crimes such as breaking into houses and stealing cellphones, to generate money. Nyaope can force you to quit school.

According to the Drugs and Drug Traffickin­g Act, Nyaope is illegal, and if you are found in possession of it, you can go to jail for 15 years. Mukhomi Village

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