The Star Early Edition



“Release your hand-break and get out of your park gear! The longer you park inside of your comfort zone, the greater the price you will have to pay…Comfort will cost you your greatness. Only you can move out of your comfort zone because only you will know when you have over-stayed in it. If you choose to never leave it, you will be choosing to forever remain where you currently are.”

There are so many reasons why we may find ourselves “stuck” or “parked”. We may not always realise that we are stuck or parked because we confuse our busyness in all of our roles with action and yet our busyness can be pure activity inside of a comfort zone. We may fear leaving a current comfort zone because of what happened the last time we did so…Did you not grow as a result of it? Living life looking through a rear view mirror withholds us from focussing forward. Our pre-occupation with our past keeps us stuck. Choose to draw only the lessons from the past. You cannot find present solutions to past challenges. You cannot change your past, you can change your script about it by changing your perspectiv­e on it! Don’t let your past keep you parked.

Get un-stuck! You are the sole Driver of your Destiny. Be sure to not assume “passenger status” while doing so. You may think you are leaving your comfort zone but you may be entering someone else’s as a passenger. Only you will know the direction in which you must towards your Destiny without getting lost. Assume 100% responsibi­lity for where you want to go in Life and who you want to become while journeying. Identify the faulty beliefs and self-sabotaging patterns that keep you stuck. You are the creator of your forward momentum. Your thoughts, feelings and actions can create your movement or prevent it. To go where you have not been before would imply you need to do something you have not done before! Step out of your comfort zone and step up to a newer standard, a better opportunit­y or a bigger, better dream.

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