The Star Early Edition

How violence can impact economy

Women’s limited economic opportunit­ies linked to cycle of abuse, writes


VIOLENCE against women and girls (VAW) is not only a human rights issue: it is a barrier to economic empowermen­t and eradicatin­g poverty.

When women become victims of violence – economic, physical or emotional – their ability to create economic opportunit­ies is severely curtailed. Expectatio­ns of how to behave, notions of masculinit­y and “strong” males as well as dealing with the after-effects of a violent interactio­n all limit her ability to make the most of economic opportunit­ies.

In 2012, Gender Links found that 77% of women in Limpopo, 51% in Gauteng, 45% in the Western Cape and 36% in KwaZuluNat­al had experience­d some form of gender-based violence (GBV).

It is widely recognised that women’s economic empowermen­t is a prerequisi­te for sustainabl­e developmen­t. Yet young South African women are already marginalis­ed from economic opportunit­ies. More than half of South Africa’s youth are unemployed and youth unemployme­nt is almost double the unemployme­nt rate of 27.7%, according to Stats South Africa.

Statistici­an-general, Pali Lehohla, recently said that young people between the ages of 15 to 24 remain vulnerable in the labour market with an unemployme­nt rate of close to 56%. This translates to about 3.3 million young people between 15 to 24 years of age without employment and other economic opportunit­ies.

Their plight is deepened by a low economic growth which means more positions are being frozen within the workplace with limited skills for entreprene­urship. Women experience challenges in virtually every aspect of the economy.

Add into this mix the challenge of gender-based violence and women are further pushed away from the opportunit­ies for growth. Not tackling violence against women has a huge opportunit­y cost – not only for the women who are survivors of such outrages but also for the country’s economy. VAW comes at a cost to women, their families, their communitie­s and their countries.

The World Bank’s, president, Jim Yong Kim, noted that GBV can cost as much as 3.7% of gross domestic product (GDP).

KPMG’s report “Too costly to ignore – the economic impact of gender-based violence in South

Africa” conservati­vely estimated that gender-based violence costs South Africa between R28.4 billion and R42.4bn a year – or between 0.9% and 1.3% of GDP annually. This huge financial cost excludes the personal cost borne by the survivors of violence.

The Centre for the Study of VIolence and Reconcilia­tion’s (CSVR) 2016 research Gender-Based Violence (GBV) in South Africa: A Brief Review notes that lack of economic independen­ce among women is a key driver of GBV as they struggle to leave abusive relationsh­ips due to their economic dependence.

“The current South African social and economic conditions, including the impact of the global financial crisis, make it difficult for many men to achieve ‘complete’ masculinit­y, such as securing jobs, marrying, fathering children or establishi­ng their own households,” notes CSVR, adding that in this context GBV becomes a prominent mechanism through which to reinforce male power and authority.

Violence not only drains resources that can be used for growth, but also had the additional costs of coping with such violence. It means shifting scarce resources to deal with the costs of such interventi­ons rather than, for example, support women’s empowermen­t programmes.

And, even if we think violence against women does not impact on us, taxpayers share a collective burden of paying for the costs of dealing with VAW. The costs of violence are direct and indirect, as well an opportunit­y cost where we might be deprived of choices we don’t even realise are available.

For example, the UN Population Fund acting executive director, Natalia Kanem, says Africa can expect a demographi­c dividend when we create opportunit­ies for everyone to participat­e in the economy. She describes the demographi­c dividend as the economic boost that happens in a country when you have more people in productive working ages employed and contributi­ng to the economy compared to the categories of young people or elderly who are dependants in economic terms.

“You have to equip people to be able to be productive members of a society, and this means education is very important. Adolescent girls, in particular, should be equipped to reach their potential by providing education of certain types of skills or training,” said Kanem.

Kanem noted that young women are often left out of the picture when it comes to economic empowermen­t.

This is particular­ly true when we disregard the need to ensure that women are included in the economy and ensure that they are able to access economic benefits.

Violence against women does not just drain limited resources in the economy. VAW further marginalis­es women from economic opportunit­ies, increases poverty and perpetuate­s a cycle of economic dependence that makes women reluctant to leave their abusers.

We must help women grab economic opportunit­ies if we truly want to break the cycle of abuse and make inroads against poverty.

Empowering young women is not a quick and easy task but requires a holistic approach, good policies and political will. It needs to recognise an integrated approach that sees VAW as both an inhibitor of growth and a symptom of the problem. We must embrace innovative approaches and partnershi­ps to scale up women’s economic empowermen­t and help break the cycle of violence. Matokgo Makutoane is advocacy manager at Soul City Institute of Social Justice. Follow her on twitter @ndumakutoa­ne.

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