The Star Late Edition

City of Joburg responds:


THE STAR sent a list of 14 questions to the city regarding the conditions at the Moth building. The questions covered concerns about the number of occupants, the lack of a building manager, access-control issues, the incomplete third-floor repairs, the broken fire hoses, cleaning, permanent accommodat­ion for the occupants and what the building’s status was. Spokespers­on Nthatisi Modingoane responded: “Not all the occupiers are evictees from the initial matter that allowed for those evictees to be accommodat­ed at Moth. The court order of 2009, among others, ordered the city to accommodat­e those evictees for 12 months with the proviso that either party was at liberty to approach the court any time.

“Over the years, the occupiers at Moth played an active role in contributi­ng to the deteriorat­ing condition. So much so, that in 2013 the city obtained an interdict against the occupiers interdicti­ng them from causing damage to the building. The city has thus far expended in maintainin­g and repairing Moth in excess of R6.5 million.

“The city’s attorney had internal discussion­s with the city last year and the approach agreed upon was that the parties will conclude lease agreements with the city. To this end, they wrote to the Centre for Applied Legal Studies (Cals) and requested a list of names of their clients who are residing at Moth. As at this date, the city’s attorneys did not receive the list of names. The city is committed to working with all stakeholde­rs, including Cals, to achieve a lasting solution to the plight of the people accommodat­ed in the Moth building.

“Moth building residents form part of many occupants of buildings in the inner city waiting for housing provision as well as many in informal settlement­s, backyards and other places in our city. Unfortunat­ely, the rate of accommodat­ing the occupants of hundreds of illegally occupied buildings and evicted buildings far surpasses the available shelter in the inner city.”

 ??  ?? UNSANITARY: A blocked toilet in Joburg’s Moth building. Few toilets are still working in the derelict structure.
UNSANITARY: A blocked toilet in Joburg’s Moth building. Few toilets are still working in the derelict structure.

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