The Star Late Edition

Ian Wishart

- Are the political pressure act?

VLADIMIR Putin’s backing for the relentless air bombardmen­t of the northern Syrian city of Aleppo has provoked some foreign government­s to accuse Russia of carrying out indiscrimi­nate attacks on civilians.

The US and some EU countries including Germany are considerin­g whether to impose new sanctions as a way of exerting diplomatic pressure on the Kremlin.

With about 275 000 civilians under siege and reports of bombed hospitals and the gassing of non-combatants, Secretary of State John Kerry has spoken of “crimes against humanity” as Russia lends support to the regime of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

Even though there’s widespread condemnati­on of Russia’s actions, there’s little consensus over what the repercussi­ons should be.

As the devastatin­g raids continue and with little appetite for western military interventi­on, there’s still no agreement on whether to step up sanctions and in what form. Q: What’s being considered? A: The US and some EU nations have raised the prospect of punitive measures against Russia if the bombing continues. The sanctions could come in the form of travel bans and asset freezes on individual­s deemed to be directly involved in the aggression in Syria.

Less likely would be the establishm­ent of broader economic sanctions on Russia, similar to those the US and EU introduced after they blamed Putin for stoking unrest in Ukraine. The US and the EU already impose sanctions on the Syrian regime.

Q: Who is in favour of a move towards sanctions?

A: The US and the UK have been most vocal in their support for exploring sanctions. Kerry, who met with British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson on Sunday, said the possibilit­y of additional sanctions was now on the table and the US would “see where we are in the next few weeks”.

Johnson, who discussed potential punitive measures with EU foreign ministers in Luxembourg on Monday, said sanctions were among “a large list of ideas, proposals” and declined to rule out eventual economic sanctions when speaking to reporters.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel is broaching the subject this week at a summit of EU leaders, raising the possibilit­y of sanctions aimed at Russia’s aircraft industry and defence ministry, according to Frankfurte­r Allgemeine Sonntagsze­itung, citing officials it didn’t identify.

Merkel’s chief spokespers­on Steffen Seibert said on Monday that the “merciless” bombardmen­t of the civilian population of Aleppo by Assad’s forces wouldn’t be possible without their backers and that “all options must be considered”. Q: Who is against more sanctions? A: In Europe, the French and Italian government­s have sounded the most cautious with France’s Foreign Minister JeanMarc Ayrault warning against a “cycle of sanctions for sanctions’ sake”.

His Italian counterpar­t Paolo Gentiloni said on Monday in Luxembourg that sanctions related to Syria were “unrealisti­c and not viable”.

“We don’t believe sanctions is a tool that can be particular­ly useful to tackle the tragedy of the city of Aleppo, which must be tackled in the next few weeks, not with tools which if adopted could have effects in a few years,” Gentiloni said.

Federica Mogherini, the EU’s foreign policy chief, also distanced herself from the sanctions option, saying the bloc’s government­s hadn’t put a proposal forward.

Q: What points?

A: Even within government­s, there are differing views. While Merkel’s spokespers­on on Monday signalled sanctions could be considered, Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier, a member of the junior partner in Germany’s coalition government, used his arrival at an EU meeting in Luxembourg to express scepticism about their effectiven­ess.

And Italy’s resistance could be tested when Prime Minister Matteo Renzi visits Barack Obama this week.

Eastern European countries’ attitudes can’t be separated from their approach to whether the EU should extend penalties already in place for the Kremlin’s violent interferen­ce in Ukraine, which shares a border with the EU nations of Poland, Slovakia, Hungary and Romania.

The most punitive of those sanctions need to be renewed before the end of January next year and there’s no guarantee that every EU country will agree to that. Q: Do the markets have a view? A: Ruble bonds have fallen and the cost of insuring Russian debt against default rose to the highest level since August as investors weighed the possibilit­y of new sanctions. Q: What happens next? A: The issue was discussed by the EU’s foreign ministers in Luxembourg on Monday and was likely to be broached again when the bloc’s 28 leaders met in Brussels yesterday.

The government chiefs wouldn’t draw up the specific sanctions themselves at the summit, that would be left to diplomats and officials in the days and weeks afterwards. If and when the EU does draft a list, it would need the unanimous agreement of all EU countries.

Merkel added Syria to the agenda for talks on Ukraine with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Berlin yesterday. Q: What sanctions are already in place? A: The EU has added progressiv­ely tougher sanctions on Russia since March 2014 for the Kremlin’s involvemen­t in violence in eastern Ukraine and the illegal annexation of Crimea.

At first these included travel bans and asset freezes on Russian and Crimean officials and, from July 2014, economic sanctions which blackliste­d Russian companies, stopped some financial trades and banned lending to public-sector projects in Russia.

The US has imposed similar sanctions since 2014 preventing Russian companies from accessing US equity or debt markets for new financing with a maturity beyond 90 days. Q: What’s prompted the US and EU to

A: The Russian and Syrian bombing of Aleppo, once a city of 2.3 million near the border with Turkey, has eased only slightly after a punishing wave of strikes from late September to early October. Activists said the attacks killed hundreds of civilians and destroyed hospitals.

Russia on Monday announced a “humanitari­an pause” in its bombing, giving time for civilians and rebels to leave the city during a period of eight hours today, RIA Novosti reported. – The Washington Post

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