The Star Late Edition

Gift card expired so I must forfeit my money


THIS is a matter about which I feel very strongly as this practice is tantamount to robbery. It is a system not practised in many other large department stores, which I find quite shocking.

Four years ago, I received a gift that I didn’t like – and went to Edgars to exchange it. At the time, I didn’t find anything I wanted so I took a gift card, based on the understand­ing that when I found something I liked, I would use it.

I got very ill and forgot about the card. At the end of May I came across the card in my bag, and decided to use it. I was shocked when I was summarily told by the manager at Edgars Ballito Junction that three years had passed and the card was not valid anymore! So I will be forced to forfeit the money – my money.

I had returned the garment, so they have the merchandis­e. And now they keep my money? How does one’s money elapse?

This practice, to me, is tantamount to stealing. How many other old people lose out like this to Edgars? Mani Bodasing

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