The Star Early Edition

Ruling on Ferguson cop awaited

Tension following black teen’s death


ANXIOUS residents of a St Louis, Missouri, suburb were awaiting a grand jury’s decision on whether to bring criminal charges against a white policeman who fatally shot a black teen in a case that has become a flashpoint for US race relations.

The slaying of 18-year-old Michael Brown by officer Darren Wilson in Ferguson on August 9 prompted weeks of demonstrat­ions by protesters demanding that Wilson be indicted.

The policeman has said he fired on the teen in self-defence, while Brown’s companion has said the young man had his hands raised at the time in an act of surrender. Activists and police have been taking steps to avoid more turmoil, especially if the grand jury does not indict Wilson.

Media reports suggesting the verdict could be imminent have fuelled tensions in the area in recent days, with nightly rallies spurring and increasing­ly highprofil­e law enforcemen­t presence.

But steady rain put a damper on most of Saturday night’s protests. About 40 mostly teenage demon- strators strode up and down a main street in Ferguson, waving upsidedown US flags with home-made placards and chanting “We’re young, we’re strong, we’re marching all night long”.

Other protesters gathered outside Ferguson police headquarte­rs for a fourth night, while convoys of law enforcemen­t vehicles patrolled after dark.

Brown’s mother, Lesley McSpadden, told demonstrat­ors gathered at the site where her son’s body had lain that they must remain peaceful whatever the grand jury decides, and that they should not be provoked by the police.

“Don’t agitate them. Don’t let them agitate you,” she said. “I don’t want anybody to get hurt.”

St Louis prosecutor­s have said the grand jury’s decision would be announced at a news conference, but the date, time and location remained unknown.

NBC News reported on Saturday that the 12-member panel would resume meeting behind closed doors today, meaning a decision could still be some way off.

Missouri Governor Jay Nixon has declared a state of emergency and called in the National Guard to back up the police.

 ?? PICTURE: EPA ?? DEMANDING JUSTICE: A protester shouts at officers at the Ferguson police department while waiting for the grand jury’s verdict.
PICTURE: EPA DEMANDING JUSTICE: A protester shouts at officers at the Ferguson police department while waiting for the grand jury’s verdict.

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