The Star Early Edition

India bans film about 2012 Delhi gang rape


ADOCUMENTA­RY about the fatal gang rape of a woman in New Delhi in 2012 has been banned in India over government concerns about derogatory comments made by one of the rapists and a violation of guidelines.

Leslee Udwin’s features conversati­ons with Mukesh Singh and fellow convicts who raped and tortured a 23-year-old woman on a moving bus, sparking nationwide protests and forcing India to toughen anti-rape laws.

India’s Home Minister Rajnath Singh said yesterday the documentar­y would not be aired in India and accused its makers of violating “permission conditions” by not showing the complete unedited footage to jail officials.

“The documentar­y film depicts the comments of the convict, which are highly derogatory and an affront to the dignity of women,” Singh said.

“How was permission given to interview a rapist? It is shocking. I will get this investigat­ed.”

In the film, Mukesh Singh blames the victim for the crime and resisting rape. He also says women are more responsibl­e than men for rapes.

Late on Tuesday, the home minister directed Delhi police to obtain a court order prohibitin­g the film’s release. The police said the ban was imposed as Mukesh Singh’s comments could create an atmosphere of “fear and tension” that may fuel public anger. His comments have grabbed headlines in Indian newspapers and sparked outrage on social media.

The film was scheduled to premiere in India and several countries on Sunday – Internatio­nal Women’s Day. Udwin said she was “deeply saddened” by the ban.

The British film-maker said she had the necessary approval and had given jail officials a chance to sit through hours of unedited footage, but they did not do so. Officials later approved a pared-down version, she said.

Four men including Mukesh Singh were sentenced to death for the crime, but their execution was stayed on appeal by India’s Supreme Court. One of the defendants hanged himself in prison, while another, who was under 18 at the time, got three years in juvenile detention. – Reuters

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