The Star Early Edition

UK party plays immigratio­n card


LONDON: Britain’s anti-EU UK Independen­ce Party (UKIP) promised yesterday to stop “mass immigratio­n” if it has any influence in the next government, saying it thought fewer than 50 000 immigrants a year was about the right figure.

Eyeing a possible breakthrou­gh at a national election on May 7, UKIP hopes to tap into public frustratio­n about rising immigratio­n, running at around 300 000 people net a year despite a promise by Prime Minister David Cameron to bring it down to the “tens of thousands”.

UKIP, with just two of 650 seats in the lower house of parliament but threatenin­g Cameron’s chances of being re-elected by splitting the right-wing vote, last year said it wanted to cut workrelate­d migration down to 50 000 people a year.

But, outlining the party’s immigratio­n policy yesterday, UKIP leader Nigel Farage did not cite a specific cap, saying Cameron’s broken pledge had “devalued” the concept.

“We want sensible, controlled numbers of people who come to this country, but people who have got skills and trades that will benefit this nation. We don’t want mass immigratio­n to continue on its current rate,” he said.

UKIP’s policy would hinge on its stated desire for Britain to leave the EU with its freedom of movement rules that give EU nationals the right to work anywhere in the bloc. Cameron has committed, if re-elected, to renegotiat­ing Britain’s ties with the EU and has vowed a membership referendum by the end of 2017.

Polls suggest UKIP will win just a handful of seats in May, but it hopes the closeness of the contest might force Cameron’s party to rely on it for support, handing it some influence.

Farage said UKIP wanted an Australian-style points system to govern who is approved for immigratio­n. It would also create a “migration control commission” to oversee its policy, increase border agency staff and stop new unskilled workers coming to Britain for at least five years.

Cameron’s fizzled migration pledge has dented his Conservati­ve Party’s credibilit­y on the issue, a top voter concern. But the Conservati­ves said UKIP’s decision not to cap migration was a policy change which sowed confusion.

“Nigel Farage seems to be making it up as he goes along,” Conservati­ve finance minister George Osborne said.

“One moment he’s talking about a cap and then he ditches it.” – Reuters

 ??  ?? WANING: The UK Independen­ce Party is threatenin­g Prime Minister David Cameron’s chances of being re-elected.
WANING: The UK Independen­ce Party is threatenin­g Prime Minister David Cameron’s chances of being re-elected.

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