The Star Early Edition

Chilli Boys will be hard to handle


CHIPPA United could emerge as this season’s surprise packages

The men under the tutelage of Dan Malesela are dazzling and surprising everyone with their enterprisi­ng football. Over the weekend, the Chilli Boys proved tough customers for Platinum Stars, who they beat 2-0 at the Royal Bafokeng to make the semi-finals of the MTN8. Before hammering Stars, Malesela’s charges had opened their 2016/17 Absa Premiershi­p season with a 2-1 win over Free State Stars.

It is the manner in which Chippa play, football characteri­sed by skill, flair, crisp passes, and energy, that has taken a lot of people by surprise. Yet the man behind all the good that Chippa are doing says people shouldn’t be surprised. Malesela says it’s like praising a fish for swimming when people applaud his impressive team.

“What we do and how we play shouldn’t come as a surprise. It’s what we must do. It’s our job. We must not sit and wait for someone to pat us on the back and say ‘job well done’. It’s like I am a driver and I am expecting people to praise me and give me bonuses because I drive well. It’s your job to drive. You must do it well, otherwise you won’t be driving. It’s our job to play well and that means we are doing our job well.”

The former Orlando Pirates and Mamelodi Sundowns captain has attributed their good displays to a proper preseason, where he was able to acquaint players with his way of playing. He has also bolstered his team with new players such as Menzi Masuku and Marc van Heerden.

“We recruited well. The biggest plus is the pre-season. We got to understand what is needed and what the philosophy is. All the players that come here come knowing what Chippa is all about. It isn’t difficult for them to adjust.”

The Chilli Boys have goals from Rhulani Manzini and Masuku to thank for the advancing to the semi-finals where they will come up against Sundowns. This was Manzini’s third goal of the season following his brace against Stars. Malesela says it’s expected of the striker to get his name on the scoresheet.

“It’s his job to do that. It’s his job to score,” said Malesela, who added that getting to the semi-finals means a lot to his players.

“Some of these boys have never gone beyond the first round in their careers. It should be motivation. If you take it beyond that, it becomes something else.”

Dikwena coach Cavin Johnson watched in horror as his side got dismantled by the men from PE. Johnson feels his men may have taken Chippa for granted following their midweek win over SuperSport United.

“The minute they scored a goal against us, it took the wind out of the team. From then on, we never came to the party. Even though we didn’t come to the party, I don’t think Chippa really bothered us. We gave them the first goal,” said Johnson.

Chippa dominated the whole match but Johnson sees positives in his men’s lacklustre performanc­e. He feels he has time to deal with his men being complacent.

“It’s happening early in the season and we have to stamp out the mentality now. You beat SuperSport 1-0 and you think you are big enough to beat Chippa.”

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