The Star Early Edition


Throwing away good food while the rest of the world starves is not only an ethical issue, it reflects our unsustaina­ble food system. We need to think about how we produce food, what we consume and what we discard


FOR AEONS, parents have guilt-tripped children into eating their dinner because less fortunate children are starving somewhere in the world.

Judging by the bounty seen in restaurant­s, grocery stores, at markets and on the streets, it’s hard to believe half a billion people in the world are going hungry while the rest are either making terrible food choices or are gluttons.

By 2050, the world’s population growth is projected to be 10 billion (according to the EU Commission’s Health and Food Safety estimates).

Our resources are not infinite but the way we treat them, you’d think electricit­y comes from the plug, meat from the supermarke­t, our greens from the greengroce­r and water from the tap.

It takes money to produce all that – money that could be used to drive developmen­t in other areas and help the needy.

Food production costs water, it produces emissions, reduces biodiversi­ty and drives climate change.

Our marine ecosystems are being degraded, drought is wreaking havoc, forests are disappeari­ng and millions of people the world over are hungry. We need to start thinking about how we manage and produce food, what we eat and food waste.

Worldwide, 2 billion people are obese while half a billion starve. In South Africa, the latest Discovery Health figures show 60 percent of women and 38 percent of men are clinically obese, with 14 million people going hungry daily.

Yet we throw away up to a third of all our food.

Dr Nadene Marx-Pienaar from the food retail division in the department of consumer science at Pretoria University breaks down some staggering figures about our throwaway society. “It’s estimated that 177kg of food waste is generated annually by the average South African (according to a 2013 study on it by the CSIR),” she said.

“Findings from the study done by the Department of Consumer Science at the University of Pretoria on food waste among Gauteng households done in 2014/15 revealed that fruit and vegetables outranked all the other food groups in terms of food mostly wasted by households. Second were cereals and breads (including pasta, rice, cakes and pastries) with dairy products (including milk, yoghurt and cheese) in third place. The fourth most wasted food type is meat, poultry, fish and eggs.

“The self-reported percentage of purchased food wasted indicated that 31 percent of respondent­s waste more than 30 percent of the fruit and vegetables that they buy, 34 percent waste more than 20 percent of cereals and breads, 27 percent waste more than 20 percent of dairy products and 20 percent waste more than 20 percent of the meat, poultry, fish and eggs that they buy.”

A 2013 CSIR study titled “The magnitude and cost of food waste in South Africa” found the costs to the economy were estimated at R61.5 billion a year or 2.1 percent of our GDP. “At the same time, 70 percent of poor urban households in South Africa live in conditions of food insecurity.

Food is treated as a disposable commodity, especially in developed countries.

“Yet almost one in seven people globally are estimated to be undernouri­shed.

“Food waste does not only impact on food security, but has environmen­tal impacts in the form of wasted resources and emissions,” they noted.

Food waste isn’t only what we throw in the bin though – it includes that which is lost during and after agricultur­al production; storage; manufactur­ing; distributi­on; and consumptio­n, they say.

“The largest costs of food waste occur in food distributi­on (R19.6bn), followed by processing and packaging (R15.6bn), and agricultur­al production (R12.5bn). To meet the challenge of feeding growing population­s and addressing food insecurity, massive reductions in the amount of food wasted across the food supply chain in South Africa are needed.”

Marx-Pienaar added: “Date codes are the most reported reason for wasting food. This is followed by poor product appearance and poor plan- ning in terms of purchasing, preparatio­n and storage.”

It’s important to note the difference between “best-before” and “use-by”: the former relates to quality and the latter to safety.

“Use-by” dates mean food can be consumed until that date – after that, if it hasn’t been frozen or preserved, it’s not fit for consumptio­n.

If food has reached its “best before” date, it’s still safe to eat but it may not be at its best. Best-before dates are important guidelines to ensure food safety but they’re not cast in stone as many foods are still good to eat days – sometimes weeks – after

Almost 1 in 7 people globally are undernouri­shed

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 ??  ?? SQUANDERED: Fruit and vegetables are by far South African households’ most wasted foods, says the writer. PICTURE: PRNEWSFOTO / TILIA
SQUANDERED: Fruit and vegetables are by far South African households’ most wasted foods, says the writer. PICTURE: PRNEWSFOTO / TILIA
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