The Star Early Edition

Partnershi­p aims to put a lid on torching of ‘people’s property’

- HEIDI GIOKOS @heidigokos

THE GAUTENG Department of Infrastruc­ture Developmen­t and the Moral Regenerati­on Movement (MRM) have signed a partnershi­p agreement to raise awareness about the consequenc­es of the destructio­n of public property.

The department has called on members of the community to stop the vandalism and destructio­n so often seen across the country.

For the past six months, the department has run a successful campaign called I care We Care, aimed at stopping damage to public property.

The campaign was launched in July last year and has received widespread support, with more than 4.5 million mentions and endorsemen­ts on social media alone.

The main aim of the campaign is to get people to engage with the concept of “people’s property” and to essentiall­y stop public properties like clinics and schools going up in smoke.

This comes after several public buildings were destroyed or vandalised during #FeesMustFa­ll and schools being burnt down in Limpopo.

After the campaign gained traction on social media, the department decided to intensify and mobilise citizens and communitie­s not to take out their frustratio­ns by causing destructio­n to property.

Yesterday, the department was boosted by a partnershi­p agreement with the MRM to take the campaign forward.

MEC for Infrastruc­ture Developmen­t Jacob Mamabolo said the three-year partnershi­p with the MRM would take the campaign to greater heights and intensify the outreach.

“We are extremely happy that the MRM will now help lead and be a face of the campaign,” said Mamabolo.

He said that with the huge support received on social media, the next phase of the campaign was to have direct interactio­n with the people by going into communitie­s and “educating them”.

“The next phase is about direct interactio­n with the people and going into communitie­s and taking the pledge to protect property into the heart of communitie­s, and enforcing the message that destroying public properties impoverish­es communitie­s,” said Mamabolo.

The MEC could not give an exact figure of how much the campaign had cost the government, but said they had not gone over R3 million.

“We will need to invest more in the campaign, another R2 million to R3 million. Social media has been our frontrunne­r in making everyone aware of the I care We Care campaign,” he said.

Mamabolo said government bureaucrac­y should not interfere with how the country is run.

“We should not allow the artificial war that separates government from its people to affect this country. This country must run.”

Father Smangaliso Mkhatshwa from the MRM said communitie­s needed to go beyond simply protecting and defending public property.

“We should cherish and enhance the assets we have, as they are for the good of all. We will use our extensive reach to enter and dialogue with our people in communitie­s, suburbs, townships and villages across Gauteng,” said Mkhatshwa.

Bid to stop clinics and schools going up in smoke

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