The Star Early Edition

Telkom client service does not exist despite ‘escalation’

- Jonty Cohen

IT’S BEEN a while since you published my letter on our telecommun­ications company newly named HELLkom, but alas, it seems their service has not improved and they are wasting a fortune of taxpayers’ money, paying salaries to a client service department because client service and Telkom just do not belong in the same sentence. In a nutshell, client service does not exist at Telkom!

Yes, last time was 75 days and now in the sequel it’s nearly 30 days – even with so-called “escalation” numbers. Are those just to appease the customer by thinking they are important?

Escalation numbers mean NOTHING! Our saving grace is of course fibrehood and yet Telkom should be threatened by them but are not.

Can they really rest on their laurels that show such a poor regard for customers? Surely they should have just an inkling of guilt or shame for being so disrespect­ful to their clients?

Clearly Telkom don’t believe that the customer is right – is that just the ignorance of Telkom management that has filtered through to the technician­s? Hell, after 30 days I’m even starting to suspect there are no technician­s!

So Georgie please help…. pass me on to someone who does work and does have a little respect about the working class who support their lifestyle by paying their salaries.

I’m not going to hold my breath for a response from anyone at Telkom.

I would never dream of disturbing their vacation or their overextend­ed lunches (why else would it take 30 days for a technician!)

I quite think that HELLKOM is more than suitable a name!!

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