The Star Early Edition

Immediate action required after break-in

- Rozario Brown

THE RECENT break-in at the offices of the Chief Justice is a new low for our country and tantamount to a declaratio­n of war. Each and every South African should condemn these actions in the strongest terms and demand swift action from the government.

The Constituti­onal Court has proven itself to be totally independen­t and these judges have proven themselves to be incorrupti­ble. We can trust our judiciary. The targeting of our Chief Justice is the clearest indication yet that there are those who are hell-bent on bringing the country to its knees and to the brink of anarchy.

Regardless of our politial affiliatio­n or religious and cultural background­s, the time has come for us all to unite and defend our judiciary and our Chief Justice.

Personal security around the Chief Justice should also be increased too, because we do not know what these scoundrels were looking for.

Local, continenta­l and internatio­nal experts must be brought in to find the culprits.

Students, religious groups, NGOs and all those who want our country and democracy to succeed must now come together and demand decisive action from the government in bringing the culprits to book.

This matter cannot be dealt with as a normal break-in.

If the office of the most senior judicial officer of our country can’t be protected, what chance do we, ordinary South Africans, have?

This is a crisis! Mitchells Plain, Cape Town

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