The Star Early Edition

DRC leaders slapped with EU sanctions


BRUSSELS: The EU imposed sanctions on nine more Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) nationals on Monday over “obstructio­n of the electoral process and related human rights violations” in the central African state, where President Joseph Kabila has overstayed his mandate.

The nine include the DRC’s current and former interior ministers, the government spokespers­on and officers of the security forces. They join another seven people already on the EU blacklist, which subjects them to asset freezes and travel bans.

One of those targeted, government spokespers­on Lambert Mende, said: “This will not be without consequenc­es. There will be a reaction.”

The DRC government has repeatedly denounced earlier sanctions imposed by the EU and US as unjustifie­d and illegal, and has threatened diplomatic retaliatio­n.

Political tension in the DRC is running high after security forces killed dozens during protests over election delays last year.

Kabila, in power since 2001, refused to step down and hold a national vote after his mandate expired in December. He has blamed election delays on budgetary constraint­s and the challenge of registerin­g millions of voters.

The president struck a deal with the opposition at the end of last year to hold elections by the end of 2017, but talks to implement the agreement broke down in March.

Worsening militia violence has raised fears of a slide back towards the civil wars of the turn of the century that killed millions of people.

The EU said the DRC should hold an election as soon as possible, and expressed concern about excessive use of force by state authoritie­s in managing the security crisis, as well as restrictio­ns on media and bans on demonstrat­ions.

Among the new listings were Évariste Boshab, a close ally of Kabila as his former interior and security minister, and Emmanuel Ramazani Shadari, who holds the job currently and oversees the police.

Also blackliste­d were Mende; Kalev Mutondo, the head of intelligen­ce; and general Eric Ruhorimber­e, a commander in the central Kasai region. Reuters

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