The Star Early Edition

Sex is good for men’s health – study


LONDON: Men rarely require much encouragem­ent to indulge in a night of passion, but now they can argue it’s good for their health.

Scientists have revealed that enjoying regular sex could be the best remedy for avoiding killer heart disease – although somewhat unfairly only for the male of the species.

Making love several times a week can slash levels of homocystei­ne – a chemical in the blood that can trigger cardiac problems, a study has found.

But women do not get the same benefit, because their sexual arousal is less dependent on a healthy blood flow, experts said.

Men who enjoy regular sex often have better circulatio­n and healthier blood vessels, which helps prevent a build-up of homocystei­ne.

Coronary heart disease is Britain’s biggest killer, with around 73 000 people a year dying from the condition.

Doctors have long suspected that frequent sex can reduce the risk of heart attacks.

A previous study found intercours­e twice a week halved a man’s chances of clogged arteries compared to less than once a month.

But until now there has been little scientific evidence.

The latest findings, published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine, are the first to reveal the link with reducing homocystei­ne levels.

The chemical is a vital building block of proteins and occurs naturally in the body. – Daily Mail

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