The Star Early Edition

ANC MP breaks ranks over Myeni

She insisted SAA boss continue with financials briefing


DIVISIONS in the ANC spilled over into Parliament after one of its MPs differed with her party colleagues on a position to block SAA chairperso­n Dudu Myeni from briefing the finance committee on the financials of the national carrier.

Peace Mabe, who was appointed to the standing committee recently, broke ranks with her ANC colleagues yesterday and called on Myeni to go ahead with the briefing to MPs.

This was in spite of the tough stance taken by three ANC MPs on the finance committee to not allow Myeni to make a presentati­on because all the SAA board members were not present.

The board had boycotted the meeting with MPs, raising questions on whether to continue with the meeting.

But ANC MPs Pinky Kekana, Dikeledi Mahlangu and Thandi Tobias-Pokolo stood their ground, ordering Myeni to go back.

They said she should come back only when the rest of the board were present.

But Mabe, who previously chaired the portfolio committee on public service and administra­tion, was insistent that Myeni should continue.

“I feel if the chairperso­n, who is the captain, is here the meeting should continue,” Mabe pointed out.

But Tobias-Pokolo disagreed, and said the meeting should be called off and that Myeni not be allowed to address the committee.

“There are serious allegation­s and challenges at SAA and for the first time the board is not here.

“I forgive honourable Peace Mabe, because she has no clue what is happening here.

“When we want to engage, we want to engage members of the board and not an individual,” said Tobias-Pokolo.

“I forgive Peace, we will brief her. As the ANC caucus we are not going to entertain any issue without the board.”

Mahlangu backed her colleague, saying Mabe was not on the same wavelength as the other caucus members.

“I understand where Peace Mabe is coming from. (But) I don’t want us to expose the chair (Myeni).

“For us to come here was not easy, Mabe. Let us release the chairperso­n to get her house in order,” said Mahlangu.

Kekana said the issue was about compliance by SAA and that was why they wanted the board to be present before them when she delivers her presentati­on.

She said Myeni could not do this alone, and they wanted the board members of SAA (to accompany her).

Myeni was accused by fellow board members of missing eight board meetings. But Myeni denied it. She told MPs yesterday that she had attended all the scheduled meetings of the board.

Opposition MPs said the absence of the board was an indication of a boycott against Myeni.

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