The Star Early Edition

EU, Russia, Iran oppose US sanctions

Washington faces retaliatio­n


RUSSIA and Iran gave warning that they were moving to retaliate against Washington after the House of Representa­tives backed new US sanctions on Moscow, Tehran and North Korea.

Meanwhile, the EU said the move, which was also criticised by Germany, might affect its energy security and it stood ready to act too.

The lower house of the US Congress overwhelmi­ngly voted on Tuesday to impose new sanctions on Moscow, Tehran and Pyongyang and to force US President Donald Trump to obtain lawmakers’ permission before easing any punitive measures on Russia.

“This is rather sad news from the point of view of Russia-US ties,” said Dmitry Peskov, a Kremlin spokespers­on. “We are talking about an extremely unfriendly act.”

He said President Vladimir Putin would decide if and how Moscow would retaliate once the fresh sanctions became law, while Russia’s deputy foreign minister warned the move was taking bilateral relations into uncharted waters, killing hope of improving them in the future.

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said yesterday that his country will give a necessary response to the new sanctions. Iran is used to these kinds of “hostilitie­s” and knows how to deal with them, Rouhani said in a cabinet meeting.

“Iranians well know that they should resist and stand against their enemies,” he said. “The Iranians have faced numerous pressures, sanctions and accusation­s by US politician­s and their propaganda machine. The Americans cannot tolerate an independen­t and influentia­l country (like Iran) in this sensitive region,” he said.

Sanctions against Iran are mainly in response to Tehran’s growing missile programme.

Associatio­n of German Chambers of Commerce and Industry head of foreign relations department Volker Treier said: “If German companies are no longer allowed to work on pipeline projects, important projects for security of supply can come to a standstill.”

The sanctions still need to be approved by the Senate and by Trump himself. But Bob Corker, chairman of the US Senate Foreign Relations Committee, said yesterday the measure was likely to become law “very, very soon”.

Trump, who has found his presidency embroiled in a row over his associates’ alleged ties to Moscow and is on the defensive over accusation­s Moscow helped him win election last year, has said he is keen to try to mend ties with Russia that are languishin­g at a post-Cold War low.

But most White House watchers believe Trump will reluctantl­y sign off on the new sanctions, given deep support for them among US lawmakers, including fellow Republican­s, and his desire to avoid being accused of being soft on Moscow.

For its part, the EU frets the new US move could throw up obstacles to its firms doing business with Russia and threaten the bloc’s energy supply lines.

The Kremlin, which denies interferin­g in the 2016 US presidenti­al election to the benefit of Trump – a charge that helped propel the House action – says Washington is in the grip of anti-Russian hysteria.

Moscow has called the new sanctions “an extremely unfriendly step” that would hurt bilateral ties and internatio­nal trade.

Peskov complained of a blow against internatio­nal law. But he said Moscow would wait until the sanctions became law before fully analysing them and deciding how to respond.

Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov told the Interfax news agency that relations were now entering “uncharted territory in a political and diplomatic sense”.

Ryabkov said the latest sanctions step in Congress left no room to improve relations in the near future.

He also made it clear that Moscow was growing tired of showing restraint over what it sees as a series of diplomatic slights.

 ?? PICTURE: IRANIAN PRESIDENCY OFFICE VIA AP ?? Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani speaks in a cabinet meeting in Tehran yesterday.
PICTURE: IRANIAN PRESIDENCY OFFICE VIA AP Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani speaks in a cabinet meeting in Tehran yesterday.

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