The Star Early Edition

Nightmares could be caused by too much sleeping, says study

More than nine hours of shut-eye doubles your risk of having a bad dream


IN OUR increasing­ly hectic lives, the chance to have a lie-in is a dream come true for many of us.

But sleeping for too long can actually cause nightmares, research suggests.

More than nine hours of shut-eye doubles your risk of having a bad dream compared to getting six hours, an Oxford University study found.

The scientists said this is because nightmares occur during the rapid eye movement (REM) stage – a type of sleep that occurs in intervals during the sleep cycle – and so if you spend longer asleep you will go through more stages of REM.

The researcher­s suggested cutting down on sleep if you experience a lot of nightmares – with seven to nine hours the optimum amount.

One of the study’s authors, Dr Bryony Sheaves, a research clinical psychologi­st at Oxford’s Sleep and Circadian Neuroscien­ce Institute, said: “The longer that we sleep, the more rapid eye movement (dreaming sleep) we get. This means that the opportunit­y for nightmares to occur is greater.

“Some people may have noticed they have more dreams on days that they sleep in. If you are particular­ly prone to nightmares, this may be placing you at a greater likelihood of having one.”

On the popular theory that eating cheese before bed can give you bad dreams, Sheaves said: “Rather boringly, no study that I have read has actually tested this.

“But I think it shows that people are fascinated about why we have nightmares.”

One in 20 people have a nightmare every week. During the night, we spend much of the time in a deep, restorativ­e sleep – also called nonREM sleep – when breathing is slower and muscles relaxed.

This is interspers­ed with intervals of REM, which occur around every 90 minutes, during which your eyes move rapidly under your eyelids and you have spikes in brain activity as you dream. REM intervals become longer later in the night, dominating the second half of your sleep period.

The team questioned 846 people aged 18 to 77. It found 45% had suffered at least one nightmare in the previous fortnight.

They examined what affects the frequency of nightmares, looking at sleep duration, alcohol consumptio­n, exercise levels, worry, paranoia, hallucinat­ions and depersonal­isation, a kind of psychologi­cal shutdown caused by experienci­ng trauma.

Sleep duration was the second biggest risk factor after worrying. It is believed the repetitive thoughts triggered by anxiety ‘feed’ negative dream content.

Paranoia, hallucinat­ions and depersonal­isation were also found to be potential triggers for bad dreams. But alcohol and a lack of exercise were found to have no effect.

The results were adjusted to reflect the difference­s in people’s stress levels and experience­s of trauma.

The study, published in the journal Social Psychiatry and Psychiatri­c Epidemiolo­gy, states: “We predict that stabilisat­ion of the sleep window might thus lead to a reduction in nightmare occurrence for those with longer sleep durations.”

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