The Star Early Edition



The scale of his art has grown. Late last year, he landed a prestigiou­s residency at The Fountainhe­ad in Miami, where he was exposed to larger-than-life works and encouraged to create art on a scale he was not used to, coming from Chitungwiz­a, a village outside Harare.

A piece, aptly titled The Puppeteer, covers the wall and depicts President Jacob Zuma as the titular character, appearing centre stage and donning the traditiona­l circus apparel. A naked audience looks on in awe while the protagonis­t weaves his fingers to manipulate his string puppets. Broken puppets lay strewn in the foreground, their purpose fulfilled and their presence no longer needed at the circus.

Shakespear­e said all the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players. Mudariki plays on the notion by reinventin­g traditiona­l circus characters and using them to comment on injustices.

To call his work controvers­ial would be an understate­ment. Yet the artist is soft-spoken and unassuming, far removed from the dark subject matter his work parodies.

Mudariki’s work is issuedrive­n, highlighti­ng the violations of human rights, stereotype­s, inequality, corporate greed and misogyny. He is constantly appropriat­ing the defining aspects of classical works by the likes of Goya and Manet, without imitating or replicatin­g them. The interpreta­tions are beautifull­y crafted paintings and, despite their references to grim narratives, each provides the viewer with the opportunit­y to revel in his ability to recreate such dark subject matter in a way that is beautifull­y engaging.

Mudariki’s first solo exhibition, My Reality, at the Johans Borman Fine Art Gallery in Cape Town in 2012, was a reflection of the economic and social crises that uprooted Zimbabwe. Despite the title, his work makes no effort to portray actual events; they are fabricatio­ns projected into new frames of reference, where their meanings are ultimately transforme­d. Robert Mugabe’s reign and impropriet­y is highlighte­d, while also shedding light on injustices.

“The political situation affected everyone. As an artist, you always respond to your environmen­t and communicat­e that through your work.”

Since moving to Cape Town in 2011 the subject-matter in his art shifted from narratives of greed and inequality that haunt his native land to issues that were Cape Town-specific. The passion gap among the Cape Coloured community, the innovation in townships and Helen Zille have all featured. His shrewd portrayals of issues are gritty, forcing the viewers to accept that the revamped snippets in history have become our lived reality.

“I want to be part of the narrative of art history,” said Mudariki. “I want to contribute to the history of Zimbabwe and the continent.”

Art historian Lloyd Pollack has described Mudariki’s work as “Bruegheles­que pageants of infamy and transgress­ion”. Given that he had no formal art training (he studied archaeolog­y at university), the scenes he create are surprising­ly reminiscen­t of the “Old Classics”.

“My idea was to remix Old Masters and European painting to grab people’s attention and communicat­e this concept. I wanted to inform people about what was happening in the country, the suffering and torture. In a sense, without knowing that, I was actually doing art history.”

Although Mudariki uses artistic devices and motifs that recall the art of Stanley Pinker (the aloe plants) and Brueghel the Elder (medieval figurines), when viewing the art, that fact becomes irrelevant.

His use of colour and theatre tropes convey the urgency of the subject. In The Trick (2016) the magician’s trick of sawing a person in half is revealed to us. The audience though cannot see they are being deceived; their faces express shock and disbelief.

Mudariki loves drawing his viewers into his work and once we become part of the audiences that he depicts in his art, the work takes on a different meaning. The viewer transition­s from onlooker to participan­t and there is a sense of being let in on the big secret that the characters are unaware of.

Mudariki dares to reveal the cruel tricks of the trade used by government officials, politician­s and lawmakers, calling us to action. In this way, the responsibi­lity shifts to the viewer to either watch on in silence as these atrocities are committed, or reveal the dirty tricks that have plagued our society for far too long.

The exhibition can be viewed at Sanlam Art Lounge, 11 Alice Lane, Sandton, Johannesbu­rg, until September 9.

 ??  ?? The Puppeteer, by Richard Mudariki.
The Puppeteer, by Richard Mudariki.

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