The Star Early Edition

Mthembu returns us to apartheid

- Dr Kenosi Mosalakae

IT’S amazing that ANC chief whip Jackson Mthembu can display such antagonism towards the media. Sounds more like a National Party (NP) official than someone who would like us to associate him with the holy Struggle.

The media was responsibl­e for exposing Sharpevill­e to the world in 1960, leading to the first arms embargo against the apartheid regime. Similarly, it exposed the Rivonia Trial in the mid ’60s.

Yes, it was antagonist­ic to the rise of Black Consciousn­ess (BC) in the late ’60s portraying BC as reverse apartheid, but soon got in line following activist Onkgopotse Tiro’s explosive speech in 1972. It relentless­ly exposed the South African Students Organisati­on-BC trial, regardless of harassment, in the mid ’70s.

Black journalism came of age in 1976 as the story’s only source of the Soweto riots as no one, except Africans, could enter the township. The World and Weekend World were at the forefront during the riots and even more so after Steve Biko was assassinat­ed. They demanded answers about the circumstan­ces of his death.

For that, they were shut down by the regime and their editors detained. The Sowetan was a reincarnat­ion of The World. The East London publicatio­n, The Daily Dispatch, was similarly at the regime’s throat. Fortunatel­y, being a white paper, the least it received from the regime’s wrath was the banning of its editor (not detention). The heat of the media led the regime to think of owning media to counteract the perceived onslaught. It got Louis Luyt to bid for the company that owned the Rand Daily Mail and when he was unsuccessf­ul, they created The Citizen.

This was exposed – by the media – to be a fraudulent, corrupt misuse of state coffers to prop up the governing party, the NP. This is the infamous informatio­n scandal that brought down John Vorster, Connie Mulder and others. Any similarity with any incidence, past or present, is purely coincident­al.

It is also surprising that the media’s role in elevating the ANC to an almost saintlike status is lost to Mthembu. The media has brainwashe­d the population, cleaned them of historical memory, leaving consciousn­ess of Struggle history only as a doctored ANC story, which is killing Africanist-orientated liberation movements of their own heroics.

Media’s role in elevating ANC is lost to him


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