The Star Early Edition


- Michael Hugh Lingwood Tom Mhlanga

THE FOLLOWING intriguing paragraph appeared in an editorial of The Star on Tuesday, August 1:

“His (ANC chief whip, Jackson Mthembu’s) saving grace thus far has been MPs’ fear of the consequenc­es, the knowledge that people wouldn’t commit career suicide with the loss of all the perks that go with being an MP – including a generous salary –any more than turkeys would vote for Christmas.”

My initial response to this paragraph was one of cynical agreement. “How true!” I said, but, I thought to myself: “Was it always certain that turkeys would never vote for Christmas?”

They would vote for Christmas if they were cannibal turkeys who enjoyed Christmas every day and wanted their Christmas to never end. Such ANC cannibal turkeys would on Tuesday most certainly have voted with their leader, the largest ANC cannibal turkey, Jacob Zuma, for the power to continue devouring the carcass of their country. Jeppestown SOUTH Africa is in a mess. The crime against women and children makes one wonder whether this Women’s Month is worth celebratin­g. Last Friday, we woke up to more sad news: Another woman in KwaZulu-Natal was shot dead while doing laundry.

The question is what have we, as a people of this country, become if we don’t take life seriously?

What is driving people to commit such senseless crimes against women and children? Are we so cursed that we see them as nothing but subhuman? On top of these, there are rapes and other forms of abuse directed towards them.

We have come a long way as a nation. Clearly the campaigns to stop this are not yielding any results.

Law enforcemen­t agencies need to act harshly against this barbaric behaviour. Enough is enough, and if it means the country must employ more than 5 million policemen, so be it.

We are sick and tired of these criminals. Braamfonte­in

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