The Star Early Edition

Failed ANC policies are holding us back

- Pat McGee

“RADICAL Economic transforma­tion”, as touted by many on the left of the political spectrum, is coupled to “monopoly capital” and, in some cases, to “white monopoly capital”. The use of these terms is designed to divert attention (we know about Bell Pottinger) away from the real failures of ANC policies over 23 years.

In an economical­ly unequal society such as ours, it is easy to point, for reasons of political expediency, to the so-called rich as the root of all the problems without solving the real problem.

Yes, we do need “radical economic transforma­tion”, but this transforma­tion is the reversal of the failed socialist economic policies of the ANC.

Our country’s greatest problem and the root cause of poverty is the mass of unemployed at 9.3 million. Without solving this problem, any attempt at producing a fairer and more prosperous society is doomed to failure.

If “black” (capital) business also took over all the “white” businesses, there is no reason to believe they would employ more people as they face the same pressures of global competitiv­eness.

The transforma­tion required is an economic climate that encourages large scale fixed direct investment that creates jobs and grows the economy, also delivering skills via decent education.

The “Asian Tigers” rose, post their own colonisati­on, from being in many cases poorer than us to being economic powerhouse­s.

Do they have more potential than our own? I think not. The difference is the failed ANC policies holding us back. Fairland

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