The Star Early Edition



NEW DELHI: Fancy seeing SpiderMan in a thong? Or Superman in a skimpy leotard? These images were part of a set of revamped comic book covers that aimed to highlight the “sexist” depiction of superheroi­nes, the artist behind the project says.

Shreya Arora, a 21-year-old graphic design student, made six drawings and juxtaposed them with the covers of comic book giants Marvel and DC Comics that show scantily-dressed women in sexually suggestive poses.

“I have been reading comic books for a while, but increasing­ly I noticed that while the stories inside had become a lot more inclusive and empowering to women, the covers did not necessaril­y follow,” she said.

“I decided to take the covers with really demeaning or sexist portrayals of superheroi­nes and recreate them as superheroe­s.”

Critics have long accused the male-dominated comic book industry of representi­ng women as hypersexua­lised objects of desire, given secondary roles and less dialogue than men.

Observers hailed last year’s blockbuste­r hit Wonder Woman – the first superhero movie to star a woman since 2005 and the first to be directed by a woman – as a sign of changing times.

Only 27% of all Marvel and DC Comics characters are women and 12% of mainstream superhero comics have female protagonis­ts, according to a study by the digital platform, The Pudding. – Reuters/African News Agency (ANA)

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