The Star Early Edition

Discrepanc­y in gender policy and the reality is glaring

- Pali Lehohla Dr Pali Lehohla is the former statistici­an-general of SA and the former head of Statistics SA.

AS SOUTH Africa continues with its celebratio­ns during Women’s Month, some have articulate­d the parlous state of gender-based violence in both our social and filial relations. The feeling is that there was very little worth celebratin­g. And despite our gender-sensitive Constituti­on, institutio­ns and policies, the contrasts between policy and reality are glaring. The question of gender equality and the sorry scourge of violence against our women and children requires our might to fight it.

Cushion of hope

Our Constituti­on is a cushion of hope, directing us to the hard power that we should exercise in the economy, and service delivery. I once had a discussion with late Struggle stalwart, Mme Ruth Mompati, many years ago,

Mompati recalled the historic period when liberation was in sight and returning from exile on the horizon. She said it was, however, clear that their male counterpar­ts were not with them. She said the women approached then party president Oliver Tambo and asked him what would become of them when they got home.

Without any waste of time, Tambo convened a meeting and aired the matter to his male contingent, who felt that women should go back to doing what they do best: taking care of their husbands.

According to Mompati, Tambo told the men to their faces that women had an important contributi­on to make. He addressed patriarchy at its root, and a resolution from that meeting led to the move towards a 50-50 gender representa­tion across the board in ANC structures.

But Mompati said regrettabl­y men continue to use women for political fronting, while they rule supreme. This was a disturbing point.

Aggravatin­g this pattern of behaviour was the recent social grants debacle, which led to the most vulnerable in our society – the elderly and children – whom the Constituti­on intends to protect, not being able to access their grants during the coldest month of the year.

This was the cruellest thing to see, given that the debacle was not about the shortage of funds, but wrangling among the middlemen to get their cut. That the government was unable to deal with this matter smacks of nothing but the highest level of irresponsi­bility.


During my days as the statistici­an-general, I was confronted with the plight of enumerator­s – a person employed to take a census of the population drawn largely from the unemployed – and could not be paid by a service provider we had appointed. I instantly terminated the services of the provider, brought in a bank and paid the enumerator­s within a reasonable time.

We subsequent­ly met in court, but the enumerator­s who numbered in excess of 100 000 were paid. Minister Trevor Manuel on my management advice led the charge to help us solve a disaster of momentous proportion­s.

The numbers differ significan­tly between the enumerator­s and the beneficiar­ies of social grants. But the point illustrate­s the imperative for moral decisivene­ss for the vulnerable.

When we – by our own hand – victimise the vulnerable, we open ourselves to dishonour and invite a dinosaur that will soon devour us. This is the central message many have given and continuous­ly give. Apathy is hurting South Africa… That we could not revolt against the treatment government continues to mete out against the elderly and children is not an isolated instance of apathy. In 1976, parents were indifferen­t to their children’s demands. Similarly, the students of the 1976 uprising, who are parents today, folded their arms when their children took up the #FeesMustFa­ll call.

Statistics SA says its surveys show that we have placed education as priority number 15… far below water, sanitation and everything else… This, in my book, defines apathy as to what eats us as a nation.


Little wonder then why 60 percent of fathers claim to be married against 30 percent of mothers who claim this status does not cause us to sit up. I have repeated this statistic, as it defines how we have come to accept the most unacceptab­le schizophre­nic condition that we impart to our children.

And they are uncertain as to who is actually responsibl­e for their upkeep as children.

Statistics tell a profound story of a nation at war with its children, and mothers have rightfully dismissed fathers as husbands and parents, because they have long neglected this role.

Our edifice as a people and a government shows serious cleavages and fault lines in how we have failed to treat and pay pensions to the elderly and grants to children on time to how we manage the process. We have not, as society, prioritise­d children, because if we did, education would be our number one priority.

We have relegated that task to ministers in basic and higher education.

The debates on land have brought the ugly face of patriarchy to the fore, because women work the land more so than men. Our migratory labour system tells us that women have long worked the land. I think it is time we heeded Tambo’s injunction.

 ?? PHOTO: NHLANHLA PHILLIPS/AFRICAN NEWS AGENCY (ANA) ?? ANC Women’s League president Bathabile Dlamini, in black, leads the #TotalShutD­own women’s march from Constituti­onal Hill to Luthuli House in Johannesbu­rg to raise awareness of violence against women this month. The question of gender equality and the sorry scourge of violence against women and children requires our might to fight it, the writer says.
PHOTO: NHLANHLA PHILLIPS/AFRICAN NEWS AGENCY (ANA) ANC Women’s League president Bathabile Dlamini, in black, leads the #TotalShutD­own women’s march from Constituti­onal Hill to Luthuli House in Johannesbu­rg to raise awareness of violence against women this month. The question of gender equality and the sorry scourge of violence against women and children requires our might to fight it, the writer says.
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