The Star Late Edition

Divorce cases rise as weddings take a dive, according to statistics


THE NATIONAL divorce rate has increased by almost 5 percent since 2012 and the number of weddings has decreased, recent data released by Statistics SA has shown.

The findings are based on the 21 998 completed divorce documents that Statistics SA received and processed by the end of September 2014.

The number of divorces (21 998) indicates an increase of 1 018 (4.9 percent) from the 20 980 cases processed in 2011.

The data indicates more than half of all divorces are between couples with children under the age of 18 and the most divorced couples were married between five and nine years.

The average age of men getting divorced is 43, while the women’s average is 40. About 80 percent of divorces occur in a first marriage.

Other causes for divorce include unrealisti­c expectatio­ns, communicat­ion problems and financial difficulti­es. One of the reasons for the decline in marriage is the increase in the popularity of live-in relationsh­ips.

Rakhi Beekrum, a psychologi­st, shared these tips on how to preserve a healthy, happy marriage:

Compliment more than you criticise. It seems so much easier to complain, but make a concerted effort to compliment your spouse

Quality time is the key. Spend time alone together doing things you enjoy. Couples who laugh together stay together.

Balance we-time and me-time. While quality time is important, it’s even more important to have time by yourself, away from your partner, cultivatin­g your individual interests.

Say what you mean and mean what you say.

Be aware of your weaknesses. Think about your bad habits that upset your partner and make a concerted effort to change.

Effective communicat­ion requires you to be a good listener Be there in times of need. Don’t bottle up frustratio­ns. Revisit your marriage vows on a regular basis.

Work as a team.

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